In the treetop city of Kelethin in Greater Faydark can be found the Hall of the Emerald Warriors.
Under the direction of Warrior Guildmaster Regren, these warriors support and defend the Kelethin Merchants and the Merchants of Felwithe.
They also oppose the Dark Elf Warrior Guild in Neriak called the Indigo Brotherhood, as well as Riptide Goblins and Crushbone Orcs.
Zones in which you can raise the faction
Zones in which you can lower the faction
Quests you can do to raise the faction
Quests you can do to lower the faction
Mobs you can kill to raise the faction
Mobs you can kill to lower the faction
- a pilgrim (Firiona Vie)
- an elven slave (male) (Crushbone)
- an explorer (Lake of Ill Omen)
- Anelia Thrywiel (Lesser Faydark - Merchant)
- Banker Willaen (Greater Faydark - Banker)
- Barkeep Aanlawen (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Lysslan (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Manlawen (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Myrisa (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Sissya (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Syntan (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Tuviena (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Tvanla (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Barkeep Uulianu (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Bilrio Surecut (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Bryn Fynndel (Lesser Faydark - Quest NPC)
- Cylas Delbrin (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Deldryn Splendyr (Butcherblock Mountains - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Fandl Arathin (Innothule Swamp - Quest NPC)
- Faril Elvebryn (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Firiona drixie (Firiona Vie)
- Gallin Woodwind (Greater Faydark - Quest NPC)
- Galwyn Geldin (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Glyndur Tindel (Lesser Faydark)
- Guard Briarstorm (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Brookrock (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Crystalwind (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Dayblaze (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Eaglesong (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Fayfear (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Fayfield (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Fireblight (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Frandan (Firiona Vie)
- Guard Frostfallen (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Marshmoor (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Meadom (Northern Felwithe)
- Guard Moonwind (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Nitegazer (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Noonshadow (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Oakwillow (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Orcflayer (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Pinebramble (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Pineshade (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Rainstrider (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Starstrike (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Streamtree (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Sunblaze (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Sunweaver (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Tangleroot (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Treestrider (Greater Faydark)
- Guard Valewatcher (Greater Faydark)
- Gundel Elorion (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Hendricks (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Hiptal Frizzleboth (Firiona Vie - Magician Guildmaster)
- Hogus Durmas (Innothule Swamp - Quest NPC)
- Innkeep Anisyla (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Innkeep Larya (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Innkeep Linen (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Innkeep Wuleran (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Jars Legola (Innothule Swamp)
- Jyle Windstorm (Innothule Swamp)
- Lady Chromoire (Firiona Vie)
- Linadian (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Luminare Pasinia (Firiona Vie - Quest NPC)
- Merchant Aianya (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Aildien (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Ainaiana (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Aluuvila (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Aluwenae (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Gaeadin (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Gerienae (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Iludarae (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Kaeluase (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Kanoldar (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Kweili (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Kwein (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Laedar (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Lanin (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Legweien (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Linolyen (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Minamas (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Muvien (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Neaien (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Nildar (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Nluolian (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Sylnis (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Tananie (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Tegdian (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Tiladinya (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Tilluen (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Tinolwenya (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Uaylain (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Ueaas (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Weaolanae (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Merchant Winerasea (Greater Faydark - Merchant)
- Mywyn Tinendel (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Regren (Greater Faydark - Quest NPC)
- Sarawyn Amorfin (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Scout Treekill (Firiona Vie)
- Seloris Windweaver (Timorous Deep - Merchant)
- Sergeant Daelione (Firiona Vie)
- Sergeant Greenblade (Firiona Vie)
- Shieldbearer Relios (Firiona Vie)
- Sindl Talonstrike (Greater Faydark - Quest NPC)
- Tracker Azeal (Firiona Vie - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Valaryn Elben (Ocean of Tears - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Vrionele (Firiona Vie)
- Vynn Thrildur (Lesser Faydark - NPC, Non-Quest)
- Wella Fargin (Firiona Vie - Banker)
- Wellford Fargin (Firiona Vie - Banker)