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Eyes of the Cat

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Revision as of 18:23, 7 January 2019 by Cerate (Talk | contribs)

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Spellicon B.png

Infuses your eyes with the vision of a cat, allowing you to see more clearly in the dark for 27.0 mins. This is similar to Serpent Sight except being self-only.



1 : Infravision(1)
Mana 35 Skill Divination
Casting Time 3.00 Recast Time 6.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Unresistable
Range Target Type Self
Spell Type Beneficial Duration 27 minutes
Cast on You Your vision shifts.
Cast on Other Someone 's eyes glow green.
Wears Off Your vision returns to normal.

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Greater Faydark Verth Mistwielder Kelethin Ranger Guild (-414,494)
Surefall Glade Durvinna Barkkis Ranger Guild (104,-111)