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Lure of Ice

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Project 1999 Auction Tracker (Blue)
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 ? ± ?  ? ± ? 971 ± 843 1 / 5000 479


Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2024-06-19 Oldestyle 500 2024-06-17 Oldestyle 500
2024-06-16 Oldestyle 500 2024-06-13 Oldestyle 500
2024-06-12 Oldestyle 400 2024-05-13 Oldestyle 500
2024-04-27 Tunnelbestie 600 2024-03-17 Noanimal 500
2024-01-27 Oldestyle 500 2023-08-28 Moneytalks 500
2023-08-27 Moneytalks 500 2023-08-26 Moneytalks 500
2023-08-25 Moneytalks 500 2023-08-25 Yamakash 500
2023-08-24 Yamakash 500 2023-04-19 Yamakash 500
2023-04-16 Okie 500 2023-04-15 Okie 500
2023-04-14 Moneytalks 500 2023-04-13 Moneytalks 500

ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Spellicon S.png

Shards of piercing ice consume your target, causing 825 damage. This damage is much more difficult to resist than most spells. (2.57 DPM)



2 : Decrease Hitpoints by 825
Mana 320 Skill Evocation
Casting Time 4.50 Recast Time 2.25
Fizzle Time 2.50 Resist Cold (-300)
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Detrimental Duration Instant
Cast on You You succumb to the lure of ice.
Cast on Other Someone succumbs to the lure of ice.
Wears Off

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

  • Drops from Kunark Level 60+ Mobs

Veeshan's Peak