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Tigir's Insects

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Project 1999 Auction Tracker (Blue)
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 ? ± ?  ? ± ? 661 ± 878 0 / 14000 1113


Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2024-07-06 Raffe 200 2024-07-02 Airdrop 250
2024-07-01 Airdrop 250 2024-06-30 Airdrop 200
2024-06-23 Raffe 200 2024-06-22 Raffe 200
2024-06-20 Wattoo 100 2024-06-20 Raffe 200
2024-06-18 Airdrop 200 2024-06-17 Airdrop 200
2024-06-09 Wattoo 200 2024-06-07 Daevvid 200
2024-06-06 Aelendrial 200 2024-06-02 Daevvid 200
2024-06-01 Daevvid 200 2024-05-29 Aelendrial 200
2024-05-27 Aelendrial 200 2024-05-23 Aelendrial 200
2024-05-21 Aelendrial 200 2024-05-19 Wyntear 100

ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Spellicon A.png

Engulfs creatures near your target in a cloud of insects, slowing their attack rates for 2.9 mins @L58 to 3.5 mins @L70. Max of 4 mobs.



2 : Decrease Attack Speed by 49% (L58) to 50% (L60)
3 : Increase Disease Counter by 16
4 : Decrease Hate by 200
Mana 350 Skill Alteration
Casting Time 5.00 Recast Time 5.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Magic (0)
Range 200 Target Type Targeted AE
Spell Type Detrimental Duration 2.9 minutes @L58 to 3.2 minutes @L65
Cast on You You feel drowsy.
Cast on Other Someone yawns.
Wears Off You feel less drowsy.

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

Old Sebilis

The Overthere