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Imbued Fighters Staff

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Project 1999 Auction Tracker (Blue)
30d Avg 90d Avg All Time Avg All Time Range # Seen
2000 ± 0 2167 ± 236 4597 ± 2017 3 / 51000 2939


Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2025-01-20 Okie 2000 2025-01-04 Okie 2000
2024-12-06 Leshrock 2500 2024-11-10 Okie 2500
2024-11-07 Rubo 2800 2024-10-04 Sylvaro 2000
2024-09-21 Ribigoth 2800 2024-09-20 Leshrock 2500
2024-09-16 Banquera 2500 2024-09-13 Ribigoth 2800
2024-09-09 Leshrock 2500 2024-08-11 Okie 3000
2024-07-28 Okie 3000 2024-07-18 Plaguefather 3500
2024-07-01 Sylvaro 3000 2024-06-29 Stormseeker 2000
2024-06-29 Androl 3000 2024-06-28 Zaal 3000
2024-06-28 Stormseeker 2000 2024-06-27 Suicideking 3500

ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Imbued Fighters Staff
Item 601.png

Skill: 2H Blunt Atk Delay: 40
DMG: 38
WT: 4.0 Size: LARGE
Class: MNK
Race: ALL

This replaces the Runed Fighters Staff on the pox scarab's loot table. The RFS was deemed too powerful, though this change was not retroactive.

Drops From

Old Sebilis

Sold by

  • This item cannot be purchased from merchants.

Related quests

  • This item has no related quests.

Player crafted

  • This item is not crafted by players.

Tradeskill recipes

  • This item is not used in player tradeskills.