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Melee and hybrid classes receive unique abilities called disciplines starting in Kunark. Each class receives some common disciplines as well as unique abilities. Disciplines act as a kind of special state that, once activated, only last for a certain time.

To open your discipline window press Alt+C. (Note: Buttons copied from the discipline window will disappear when you log. To make a permanent button, make a macro with the text "/disc discname", like "/disc defensive").


Reuse Timer Reductions

For each level gained after a discipline has been unlocked that discipline's reuse timer will be reduced by a minute.

For example, Evasive is gained by warriors at level 52 with a 3 minute duration and a 15 minute reuse timer. After eight levels, at level 60, the reuse timer is reduced to just 7 minutes. This means the level 60 warrior can spend up to 3 minutes under the effects evasive for every 4 minutes not.

Pure Melee


Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001
Resistant Discipline 30 Grants +3 to all resistances increasing to +10 at 50th level 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 40 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear" 11 Sec 60 Min
Stonestance Discipline 51 Joins your body with the strength of the earth, causing you to take greatly decreased melee damage [60% reduction] 12 Sec 6 Min
Thunderkick Discipline 52 Focuses energy into your feet, allowing you to perform an especially powerful Flying Kick. Next Flying Kick 4 Min
Whirlwind Discipline 53 Heightens your combat instincts, allowing you to Riposte every attack. 9 Sec 60 Min
Voiddance Discipline 54 Focuses your combat reflexes, allowing you to avoid melee attacks. 8 Sec 55 Min
Inner Flame Discipline 56 Fills your body with energy, causing your attacks to do greatly improved damage. [100% increase] 12 Sec 26 Min
Hundred Fists Discipline 57 Increases your hands speed, allowing you an increased attack rate and damage. 15 Sec 30 Min
Silentfist Discipline 59 Focuses your rage into your hands, allowing you to perform an especially powerful Dragon Punch. Next Dragon Punch 9 Min
Ashenhand Discipline 60 Focuses energy into your hands, allowing you to perform an especially powerful Eagle Strike. Next Eagle Strike 72 Min


Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001
Resistant Discipline 30 Grants +3 to all resistances increasing to +10 at 50th level 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 40 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear" 11 Sec 60 Min
Counterattack Discipline 53 Allows you to perfectly time your counter attacks, riposting every incoming blow. 9 Sec 60 Min
Deadeye Discipline 54 Focuses your vision on you opponent, vastly increasing your hit rate. 18 Sec 30 Min
Nimble Discipline 55 Increases your combat reflexes, allowing you to avoid most attacks. 12 Sec 30 Min
Kinesthetics Discipline 57 Increases your combat sense, allowing you to dual wield and double attack every round. 18 Sec 30 Min
Blinding Speed Discipline 58 Focuses energy into your arms, increasing your attack speed. 18 Sec 30 Min
Duelist Discipline 59 Increase the damage done by all of your melee attacks. [100% increase] 12 Sec 30 Min


Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001
Resistant Discipline 30 Grants +20 to all resistances 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 40 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear" 12 Sec 60 Min
Evasive Discipline 52 Places you in a evasive combat stance, increasing your chance to avoid attacks [25%?], but also lowering your hit rate. [25%?] 3 Min 15 Min @L52 to 7 Min @L60
Charge Discipline 53 Increases your chances to hit with any melee attack. 14 Sec 30 Min
Mighty Strike Discipline 54 Fills your arms with rage, causing every attack to land as a critical hit. 10 Sec 60 Min
Defensive Discipline 55 Places you in a defensive combat stance that causes you to take less damage [35%], but also lowers your damage output. [35%] 3 Min 15 Min @L55 to 10 Min @L60
Furious Discipline 56 Allows you to perfectly time your counter attacks, riposting every incoming blow. 9 Sec 60 Min
Precision Discipline 57 Places you in a precise combat stance that increases your hit rate (should be a 50% increase to skillcheck chance; currently bugged on p99 to give 100% hit rate), but also lowers your chance of avoiding attacks. 3 Min 30 Min @L57 to 27 Min @L60
Felstrike Discipline 58 Fills you with acute rage, increasing the damage done by your attacks. 12 Sec 30 Min
Fortitude Discipline 59 Heightens your combat reflexes, increasing your chance of evading attacks. 8 Sec 60 Min
Aggressive Discipline 60 Places you in an aggressive combat stance that increases your damage output by 30%, but also causes you to take more damage. 3 Min 27 Min


All hybrid disciplines were made available in Velious.


Bards MUST turn off songs in order to start Disciplines, failure to do so will result in the Discipline being cancelled but the cool-down will still activate.

Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001
Resistant Discipline 51 +10 to all resistances. The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 54 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear". The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 11 Sec 60 Min
Deftdance Discipline 55 Auto dodge attacks from the front and auto dual-wield. 10 Sec 72 Min Duration increased to 15 seconds.
Puretone Discipline 60 Makes it as if you are wielding the best instrument of every type, whether or not you are actually wielding an instrument. Increases to 28 modifier, and does work on singing mod. 2 Min 72 Min Duration increased to 4 minutes.


Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001
Resistant Discipline 51 +10 to all resistances. The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 54 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear". The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 11 Sec 60 Min
Holyforge Discipline 55 Critical Hits versus everything and Crippling Blows versus undead with an increased probability of going off. 2 Min 72 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Sanctification Discipline 60 100% Spell resistance. You will resist all spells that are not unresistable. 10 Sec 72 Min Duration increased to 15 seconds.


Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001
Resistant Discipline 51 +10 to all resistances. The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 54 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear". The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 11 Sec 60 Min
Trueshot Discipline 55 Imbues your bow with energy, increase the damage done by each shot [105%] and improving your accuracy. [Increases Archery Skill Check by 12%] 2 Min 72 Min
Weaponshield Discipline 60 Focuses your combat reflexes, allowing you to parry most melee attacks. Parries all melee attacks from the front. 15 Sec 72 Min Duration increased to 20 seconds.

Shadow Knight

Discipline Name Level Obtained Description Duration Reuse Time Jan 09, 2001 Feb 21, 2001
Resistant Discipline 51 +10 to all resistances. The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 1 Min 60 Min Duration increased to 5 minutes.
Fearless Discipline 54 Immunity to "Fear" and all spells that cause "fear". The reuse time for this discipline will decrease as you level. 11 Sec 60 Min
Unholy Aura Discipline 55 25% increase to damage done by Harm Touch in addition to making it nearly un-resistable. Next Harm Touch 72 Min 50% increase to damage done by Harm Touch, changes the affected Harm Touch to a disease save.
Leechcurse Discipline 60 Heal self for every point of melee damage dealt while discipline is active. 15 Seconds 72 Min Duration increased to 20 seconds. Increases hit probability in addition to its other effects.