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Magelo Blue:Odumok2
From Project 1999 Wiki
[edit] Extra
- Journeyman's Boots
- Worker Sledgemallet
- Reaper of the Dead
- Cobalt Bracer
- Cobalt Greaves
- Cobalt Boots
- Cobalt Vambraces
- Berserkers Ring
- Pegasus Feather Cloak
- Lodizal Shell Shield
- Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap
- 10 Dose Potion of Stinging Wort
- Bark Potion x3
- 10 Dose Ant's Potion
- 10 Dose Kilva's Skin of Flame
- Ring of Shadows x8
- Larrikans Mask
- Scepter of the Forlorn
- Forlorn Totem of Rolfron Zek x6
- Berserker's Breastplate