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Mind Wipe

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Project 1999 Auction Tracker (Blue)
30d Avg 90d Avg All Time Avg All Time Range # Seen
 ? ± ? 97 ± 8 82 ± 37 10 / 400 530


Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2024-10-09 Raffe 75 2024-09-29 Rangthor 100
2024-09-28 Rangthor 100 2024-09-24 Rangthor 100
2024-09-22 Rangthor 100 2024-09-21 Dorutron 100
2024-09-20 Dorutron 100 2024-08-27 Raffe 100
2024-08-16 Rangthor 100 2024-07-12 Rangthor 100
2024-07-06 Rangthor 100 2024-07-05 Rangthor 100
2024-07-04 Rangthor 100 2024-07-03 Rangthor 100
2024-06-30 Rangthor 100 2024-06-29 Rangthor 100
2024-06-28 Rangthor 100 2024-06-23 Rangthor 100
2024-06-22 Rangthor 100 2024-06-17 Rangthor 100

ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Spellicon H.png

Attacks your target's mind, providing a chance to forget those that have done them harm.



1 : Memblur(15%)
Mana 100 Skill Alteration
Casting Time 4.50 Recast Time 12.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Magic (0)
Range 200 (AE Range: 60) Target Type Targeted AE
Spell Type Beneficial Duration Instant
Cast on You You feel your mind fog.
Cast on Other Someone blinks a few times.
Wears Off

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

Item 1004.png 1 x Salil's Writ Pg. 288 (Left) - Dropped
Item 1005.png 1 x Salil's Writ Pg. 288 (Right) (Faded) - Dropped