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Orc Warlord

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orc warlord
orc warlord
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Level: 16
Zone: Crushbone
Location: 100% @ (192, -22) outside near round table.

AC: 123
HP: 416 (0)
Damage per hit: 1 - 32
Attacks per round: 1 (100%)
Special: None


The placeholder for the orc warlord is an orc emissary. The orc emissary and orc warlord run the same pattern from the round table found to the right of castle entrance to directly behind the throne in throne room, pausing at each. The spawn time is 9 minutes.

Known Loot

  • Bracers of Battle
    Bracers of Battle
    Item 637.png

    Slot: WRIST
    AC: 3
    STR: +1 DEX: +3
    WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC
    Race: ALL

    (Uncommon) [1] 1x 25% (100%)


Opposing Factions

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