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Paladin Plane of Sky Tests

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Note: For the older versions of the rewards for these quest (prior to the 7/24/11 patch) see Plane of Sky Quests (Old).



Bold items are No Drop, while bold NPC names indicate island bosses.

Quest Start

Talk to Dason Goldblade in the Plane of Sky.

You say, 'hail Dason Goldblade'

Dason Goldblade says 'Greetings. Are you pure of heart and soul?

You say, 'I am pure of heart and soul'

Dason Goldblade says 'Then choose. Do you wish your purity to be tested by Gregori or Dirkog?

Gregori Lightbringer

You say, 'I wish to be tested by gregori'

Dason Goldblade says 'Gregori is a true and faithful warrior of Tunare. Read this book and, when you feel confident, hand it back to me. I will summon Gregori to test you after you have done so.
Dason Goldblade says 'Farewell.

You say, 'hail Gregori Lightbringer'

Gregori Lightbringer says ' Hail and well met! You have traveled far indeed to cross my path. I will be testing you in compassion, sacrifice, and love. Are you ready for the test of the heart, Xekl ? If you've already passed one of these tests I may have something else you might be intrested in.

You say, 'I am interested in trade' (spelling)

Gregori Lightbringer says 'Ah, you are interested in getting a new reward for what you have accomplished. Very well, bring me Senki or Zephywind and I will find a reward more fitting.

You say, 'I am ready for the test of the heart'

Gregori Lightbringer says 'As I said before, the test of the heart is in three parts. Compassion, sacrifice and love. Choose one and we will begin.

Note: I can't find any information on the item named Senki.

Paladin Test of Sacrifice

Gregori Lightbringer says 'You have sacrificed much to come so far, Erudite. Sacrifice this one last time and the Sword of Ocean Breeze shall be yours. Retrieve a griffon statuette, a spiroc peace totem, and a bixie sword blade.

Aldryn, Blade of the Ocean
Aldryn, Blade of the Ocean
Item 890.png

Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 26
DMG: 20
STR: +10 STA: +10 WIS: +8
WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: PAL

Item Who Where
Griffon Statuette a soul harvester, an essence harvester Island 4
Spiroc Peace Totem a spiroc expulser, a spiroc revolter, a spiroc walker, Spiroc Guardian Island 5
Bixie Sword Blade Bazzt Zzzt Island 6 Boss

Paladin Test of Love

Gregori Lightbringer says 'Love is what brings us close to the gods we follow. Without it, we could not truly worship them, and would be lost. Prove yourself to me and return with a dark spiroc feather, ethereal topaz, and a sphinxian claw. In return, I will give you Zephyrwind.

Thelvorn, Blade of Light
Thelvorn, Blade of Light
Item 575.png

Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 26
DMG: 20
WIS: +15
Effect: Dismiss Summoned (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45
WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: PAL
Race: ALL

Item Who Where
Dark Spiroc Feather a spiroc arbiter, a spiroc banisher, a spiroc caller Island 5
Ethereal Topaz Bazzzazzt, Bizazzt, Bzzzt Island 6
Sphinx Claw Sister of the Spire Island 7

Paladin Test of Compassion

Gregori Lightbringer says 'Compassion is of great importance to us. Without it, we do not feel empathy, and cannot truly follow the path we claim to travel. Return to me an efreeti two handed sword, dulcet nectar, a golden hilt, and a large sky diamond. If you present these to me, I will award you Truvinan, the divine wind.

Item 519.png

Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 40
DMG: 32
Effect: Dismiss Undead (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45
WT: 8.0 Size: LARGE
Class: PAL
Race: ALL

Item Who Where
Dulcet Nectar bzzazzt Island 6
Golden Hilt a fatestealer drake, heartsbane drake, a windrider drake, a greater sphinx, undine spirit Island 7
Large Sky Diamond Eye of Veeshan Island 8
Efreeti Zweihander Noble Dojorn, Overseer of Air, the Hand of Veeshan Islands 1.5, 4, 8

Dirkog Steelhand

You say, 'I wish to be tested by dirkog'

Dason Goldblade says 'Dirkog is a gruff one, but his faith is what all paladins should strive to equal. Read this book and return it to me. After you have done so, I shall summon Dirkog to test you.
Dason Goldblade says 'Farewell.
Dirkog Steelhand says 'May faith guide you always.
Dason Goldblade says 'Farewell.

You say, 'hail Dirkog Steelhand'

Dirkog Steelhand says 'Leave me be, ye orc kissin' son o' Innoruuk!

You say, 'I am ready to get started.'

Dirkog Steelhand says 'Well Then! You best go out an get me a silvery girdle, a diaphanous globe, an a ivory sky diamond! Come on back with them and you'll get a nice belt.

Paladin Test of Spirit

Girdle of Faith
Girdle of Faith
Item 560.png

AC: 10
STR: +6 WIS: +6 AGI: +6
Haste: +41%
WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL
Class: PAL
Race: ALL

Item Who Where
Diaphanous Globe a crystalline cloud, a shimmering meteor, a gust of wind Island 3
Silvery Girdle a soul carrier, an essence carrier, a soul tamer, an essence tamer Island 4
Ivory Sky Diamond The Spiroc Lord Island 5 Boss