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Rage of Zek

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Spellicon O.png

Strikes your target with the rage of Rallos Zek, causing 175 damage and severe anger in your target.


This spell is cast by weapon proc only.


1 : Decrease HP when cast by 175
2 : Increase Hate by 500
Mana 0 Skill
Casting Time 0.00 Recast Time 0.00
Fizzle Time 0.00 Resist Fire (0)
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Detrimental Duration 1 ticks @L1 to 3 minutes @L60
Cast on You You feel your soul consumed by the fury of Zek.
Cast on Other Someone 's soul is consumed by the fury of Zek.
Wears Off

Items with Spell Effect

  • Jagged Blade of War
    Jagged Blade of War
    Item 1191.png

    Slot: PRIMARY
    Skill: 2H Slashing Atk Delay: 41
    DMG: 36
    STR: +20 DEX: +15 STA: +15 HP: +100
    SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10
    Effect: Rage of Zek (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 50
    WT: 6.0 Size: MEDIUM
    Class: WAR
    Race: ALL