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Sphinx Heart Amulet

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Project 1999 Auction Tracker (Blue)
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 ? ± ? 5000 ± 0 9805 ± 9213 1 / 140000 308


Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2024-07-10 Gobbon 5000 2024-04-17 Getcrunk 6000
2024-03-13 Getcrunk 7000 2023-09-26 Tunnelbae 7000
2023-08-06 Tunnelbae 10000 2023-08-01 Biohazord 7500
2023-07-31 Biohazord 7500 2023-07-22 Gwapp 8000
2023-07-20 Gwapp 8000 2023-05-20 Tunnelbae 10000
2023-05-19 Tunnelbae 10000 2023-04-28 Tunnelbae 10000
2023-04-12 Tunnelbae 10000 2023-04-11 Tunnelbae 10000
2022-06-26 Floatshop 7000 2022-04-21 Ridar 7
2021-07-16 Wrin 7000 2021-07-15 Wrin 7500
2021-07-14 Wrin 7500 2021-04-07 Teain 7000

ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Sphinx Heart Amulet
Item 1043.png

Slot: NECK
AC: 4
STR: +10 CHA: -5 INT: +10 MANA: +25
Effect: Ultravision (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: NEC
Race: ALL

Drops From

  • This item is not dropped by mobs.

Sold by

  • This item cannot be purchased from merchants.

Related quests

Player crafted

  • This item is not crafted by players.

Tradeskill recipes

  • This item is not used in player tradeskills.