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Tainted brownie

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tainted brownie
tainted brownie
Race: Brownie
Class: Druid
Level: 45
Zone: Lesser Faydark
Location: Pather

AC: 189
HP: 2475 (1)
Damage per hit: 36 - 139
Attacks per round: 2 (100%)
Special: See Invis


Sit near the small tree ~loc 0, 0. Brownie Scouts spawn there. Kill them till tainted spawns. You will have run around and kill a brownie scout or two to make sure you get the one that spawns here. The time between spawns is roughly 6 minutes 30 seconds. corrupted brownie will spawn on top of the tainted brownie's corpse, so be ready.

Known Loot

  • None


Opposing Factions

  • None

Related Quests