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A kobold shaman (Steamfont)

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Were you looking for a kobold shaman (Toxxulia)?
a kobold shaman
a kobold shaman
Race: Kobold
Class: Shaman
Level: 6
Zone: Steamfont Mountains
Location: (-306, 1742)

AC: 51
HP: 75 (0)
Damage per hit: 1 - 10
Attacks per round: 1 (100%)
Special: None


The Toxxulia kobolds are of Clan Kolbok faction, while the Steamfont kobolds are of the Clan Grikbar faction. Their loot tables are likely different; the below information is for the Steamfont kobolds.

Known Loot

  • Kobold Hide
    Kobold Hide
    Item 834.png

    WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    (Common) [1] 4x 55% (34%)
  • Odd Kobold Paw
    Odd Kobold Paw
    Item 743.png

    WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    (Ultra Rare) [2] 1x 35% (7%)
  • Ruined Kobold Pelt
    Ruined Kobold Pelt
    Item 556.png

    WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    (Ultra Rare) [2] 1x 35% (7%)
  • Pristine Kobold Pelt
    Pristine Kobold Pelt
    Item 556.png

    WT: 3.5 Size: LARGE
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL

    (Ultra Rare) [2] 1x 35% (7%)
  • Rusty Dagger
    Rusty Dagger
    Item 592.png

    Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 24
    DMG: 3
    WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL
    Class: ALL except CLR PAL DRU MNK SHM
    Race: ALL

    (Uncommon) [3] 1x 25% (100%)


Opposing Factions

Related Quests

  • None