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Spellicon K.png

Provides your target with a sense of daring, increasing their hit points and armor class for 36.0 mins.



1 : Increase AC by 7 (L19) to 9 (L26)
2 : Increase Max Hitpoints by 84 (L19) to 130 (L65)
3 : Increase HP when cast by 84 (L19) to 130 (L65)
Mana 60 Skill Abjuration
Casting Time 2.50 Recast Time 2.25
Fizzle Time 2.50 Resist Unresistable
Range 100 Target Type Single
Spell Type Beneficial Duration 36 minutes
Cast on You You feel daring.
Cast on Other Someone looks daring.
Wears Off You no longer feel daring.

Items with Spell Effect

  • Deepwater Helm
    Deepwater Helm
    Item 746.png

    Slot: HEAD
    AC: 21
    Effect: Daring (Must Equip, Casting Time: 10.0) at Level 45
    WT: 6.0 Size: SMALL
    Class: PAL
    Race: ALL except IKS

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (CG-3) Cleric Guild (1223,-538)
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (NG-7) Necromancer Guild (2139,-359)
Erudin Stolace Printell Cleric Guild - Quellious (Outside) (-720,-58)
Erudin Tollari Mistell Library (F1) (-1067,-255)
Felwithe Allia Moondancer Cleric Guild (2,-444)
Neriak - 3rd Gate Svlia C'Luzz Cleric Guild (402,-783)
North Freeport Locarme Zennix Cleric Guild (F1) (103,286)
North Qeynos Berane Constarg Paladin Guild (-158,-160)
Paineel Erelin Verisue Cleric Guild (1226,551)
Qeynos Catacombs Tessia Sowtsui Cleric Guild (340,-434)
Rivervale Blippo Stumbletoe Cleric Guild (-208,-417)
Thurgadin Lorekeeper Taben Cleric Guild (-227,809)
North Kaladim Duppa Pickstone Cleric Guild (745,125)