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Emperor Ganak

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Emperor Ganak
Emperor Ganak
Race: Spectral Iksar
Class: Wizard
Level: 60
Zone: Trakanon's Teeth
Location: 50% @ (-3333, 2648)

AC: 409
HP: 34000 (8)
Damage per hit: 142 - 180
Attacks per round: 2 (81%)
Special: See Invis, Annul Magic, Fetter, Ice Spear of Solist, Winds of Gelid, Rend, Markar's Discord, Pillar of Flame, Vengeance of Al'Kabor, Ice Comet, Jyll's Wave of Heat.


Ganak Sathir was the final emperor of the Iksar Empire. He met his end over the Field of Bone. Both he and Jaled'Dar, leader of the Ring of Scale, were killed in the confrontation. His spectre haunts the ruins outside of his fallen capital that was laid to waste by the dragon Trakanon. He is the only non-wurm to possess the key to the lair of the Ring of Scale - Veeshan's Peak. Flee's at 14%

Known Loot

  • None known.


  • None

Opposing Factions

  • None

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