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Spellicon D.png

Lulls the mind of your target, lowering its aggressiveness for 1.2 mins @L1 to 2.0 mins @L5. Affects creatures up to level 55?



1 : Frenzy Radius (15/30)
2 : Reaction Radius (15/30)
Mana 10 Skill Alteration
Casting Time 1.50 Recast Time 3.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Magic (0)
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Beneficial Duration 1.2 minutes @L1 to 2 minutes @L5
Cast on You You feel less aggressive.
Cast on Other Someone looks less aggressive.
Wears Off

Items with Spell Effect

  • Initiate Symbol of Quellious
    Initiate Symbol of Quellious
    Item 850.png

    Slot: NECK
    AC: 3
    WIS: +1 MANA: +3
    Effect: Lull (Must Equip, Casting Time: 4.0)
    WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
    Class: CLR
    Race: ERU
    Deity: Quellious

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (LG-7) Library (1093,-977)
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (NG-8) Necromancer Guild (2150,-357)
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (CG-1) Cleric Guild (1238,-548)
Erudin Kathar Varselli Cleric Guild - Prexus (F1) (-1067,-417)
Erudin Syra Printell Cleric Guild - Quellious (Outside) (-735,-47)
Erudin Palace Vellenon Harrance Enchanter Guild (F2) (507,727)
Northern Felwithe Seleni Treekeeper Paladin Guild (-5,-256)
Northern Felwithe Wellin Brookleap Cleric Guild (24,-456)
Southern Felwithe Xista Finder Enchanter Guild (527, -800)
North Kaladim Gralpa Axeheft Cleric Guild (773,115)
North Kaladim Storn Trueblade Paladin Guild (939,124)
Neriak - 3rd Gate Trik N'Tan Cleric Guild (413,-762)
Neriak - Commons Lizza D'Unnar Caster Guild (Basement) (165,-192)
North Freeport Direlee Furme Cleric Guild (F1) (103,388)
North Freeport Orex Nolus Paladin Guild (F1) (218,-119)
North Qeynos Kragie Rolana Paladin Guild (-141,-125)
Paineel Zarnlel Apridor Cleric Guild (1125,440)
Qeynos Catacombs Likka Sowtsui Cleric Guild (371,-417)
Rivervale Gilth Harvester Cleric Guild (-210,-351)
South Qeynos Chalios Bensted Caster Guild (324,-618) *Note: This is only vendor with Lull in South Qeynos on P99, as of 1/27/2020
South Qeynos Lisdon Trekka Cleric Guild (-236,-480)
South Qeynos Fesse Bontex Cleric Guild (-257,-510)
South Qeynos Bogen Chazel Cleric Guild (-260,-516)
South Qeynos Khensol Undesta Caster Guild (290,-622)
South Qeynos Caleah Herblender The Herb Jar (311,-558)
Thurgadin Lorekeeper Derrin Cleric Guild (-205,773)
Thurgadin Keegan Paladin Guild (-210,543)
West Freeport Remon Zarga Caster Guild (F1) (138,-712)