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Spellicon G.png

Decreases your target's resistance to cold, fire, magic, and poison. Prints out as Malise in log files "You resist the Malise spell!".



2 : Decrease Cold Resist by 15 (L19) to 20 (L28)
3 : Decrease Magic Resist by 15 (L19) to 20 (L28)
4 : Decrease Poison Resist by 15 (L19) to 20 (L28)
5 : Decrease Fire Resist by 15 (L19) to 20 (L28)
Mana 60 Skill Alteration
Casting Time 3.00 Recast Time 6.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Magic (0)
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Detrimental Duration 4.8 minutes @L19 to 14 minutes @L65
Cast on You You feel somewhat vulnerable.
Cast on Other Someone looks somewhat uncomfortable.
Wears Off Your vulnerability fades.

Items with Spell Effect

  • Drake-Hide Amice
    Drake-Hide Amice
    Item 668.png

    Charges: 10
    AC: 6
    STA: +5 HP: +50 MANA: +50
    Effect: Malaise (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 45
    WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL
    Class: MAG
    Race: ALL

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (LG-15) Library (1098,-1030)
East Cabilis Vessel Grymm Temple of Terror (First Floor) (1018,-163)
Erudin Palace Kestall Tulenci Magician Guild (F2) (726,953)
Grobb Barsk - Troll Shaman Guild (303,-417)
Halas Boraskor Shaman Guild (352,448)
Neriak - Commons Mys S'Tai Caster Guild (F1) (163,-955)
Oggok Barsk - Ogre Shaman Guild (665,1051)
South Qeynos Headara Ponido Caster Guild (319,-580)
Southern Felwithe Elle Leafdancer Magician Guild (665,-515)
West Freeport Odemi Partun Caster Guild (F3) (107,-737)