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Per-Level Hunting Guide

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Now with ____ XP hunting spots. For places to get loot instead see the Treasure Hunting Guide.

See also: Recommended Levels and ZEM List


Use the class/monster/level filters below to control which hunting spots are shown. You can click a button a second time to "un-check" it.

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Many guides tell you exactly where to go to gain experience, but this one tells you your options instead. The guide is for all classes/levels/races, but mainly focuses on soloing. All of its hunting spots contain monsters that /consider as blue within their specified level range, and are sorted by their range.

Improving the Guide

This is a wiki, so if you have anything to add or correct please click on the "edit" tab at the top of the page. A few seconds of your time can help make the guide better for everyone. See the Template:HuntingGuideSpot page if you have any questions about the template used to create hunting spot entries on this page, and see Editing The Hunting Guide for a walkthrough of adding a new entry to the page (it's easy!)

To Do

  • The guide currently lacks many Shadow Knight spots, but [1] has a bunch that could be added

Experience Modifiers

On 03/25/2020, the staff have adjusted the ZEM values for many zones, but what original values those were changed from continues to not be given. [2]

Hunting Spots 1-4

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
01-03 - Butcherblock Mountains In front of Kaladim Assorted critters 133% Cla Good for PAL. Save Bone Chips for Kaladim Bone Chips Quest
01-03 - Everfrost Pass outside Halas Assorted critters 133% Cla Watch out for Vengeful skeletons; save Polar Bear Skins for Cindl's Polar Bear Collection or to sell to players, or save for Leatherfoot Raiders Skullcap quest
01-03 - Feerrott Near Oggok Assorted critters 133% Cla Skeleton ruins in NW corner good for solo cleric level 7-9
01-03 - Field of Bone Near Cabilis Assorted Critters 100% Kun
01-03 - Greater Faydark Ruins near Kelethin lifts Assorted critters 133% Cla Save Orc Hatchets from Orc Pawns for Orc Hatchets (Quest)
01-03 - Innothule Swamp Near Grobb Assorted Critters 133% Cla
01-03 - Misty Thicket Rivervale side of big wall Assorted Critters 133% Cla Save RunnyEye Warbeads for quest
01-03 - North Qeynos Outside front gate Assorted critters 133% Cla Save Bone Chips for Qeynos Bone Chips Quest
01-03 - Paineel Paineel starting area (entry yard) Assorted critters 133% Cla
01-03 - Steamfont Mountains Hills near Ak'Anon (#12) Assorted critters, Renegade Clockworks 133% Cla Watch out for the wandering Skeleton and Kobold Shaman
01-03 - Toxxulia Forest Outside Erudin, before river Assorted critters 133% Cla
01-03 - West Freeport Outside front gate Assorted Critters 133% Cla
01-10 - Kithicor Forest Near the entrance to Rivervale Beetles, Snakes, Bixies, Bears, Wolves 133% Cla A passable alternative to Misty Thicket during the day. Do not be here at night as high level Undead spawn. Also of note is that there are no guards at the entrance to Rivervale.
03-05 01-04 Steamfont Mountains Crater near the Druid Ring, Kobold Camp just north of the crater Spiderlings, a small coyote, a kobold scout 133% Cla Excellent for solo players near Felwithe to bridge the gap between Level 3 and 5
04-05 - Field of Bone Spiderling cave Spiderlings 100% Kun Spiderling silk can be saved and sold to players
04-06 03-05 Butcherblock Mountains Greater Faydark zoneline Assorted Critters 133% Cla Good for PAL.
04-06 03-05 Greater Faydark "Orc hill" (north end of zone before Crushbone) Orcs 133% Cla Orcs are clumped so soloing is more difficult here; Save Crushbone Belts for Crushbone Belts (Quest)
04-07 03-05 Butcherblock Mountains Undead at Druid rings -2000, 2000 Map Icon.png Skeletons 133% Cla Save Bone Chips for Kaladim Bone Chips Quest
04-07 - Steamfont Mountains Kobold Camp, #1 and #5 on map Map Icon.png Kobolds, but also other assorted critters including renegade clockwork and Skeletons 133% Cla Watch out for the wandering Puma. Kobs green out at character level 8.
04-10 05-10 Qeynos Hills ? Rabid Wolves and assorted 133% Cla
Npc a rabid wolf.png
Save Diseased Wolf Pelts for Rabid Wolves (Quest); watch out for Holly Windstalker
04-10 04-10 The Warrens Paineel zoneline Kobolds 200% War
Npc a kobold (warrens).png

Hunting Spots 5-9

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
05-8 05-8 Blackburrow Top level of zone Gnolls 133% Cla Save Gnoll Fangs for Gnoll Bounty or Moonstones; trains are common
05-8 04-6 Nektulos Forest Just far enough from the north end of the bridge that the guards won't steal your kills. a tree snake, a skeleton, a shadow wolf and rarely a mummy 100% Cla Guards at bridge will save you as long as you are not KOS. Necros can solo here 5-8 but half the bears will turn green at 8. Lots of spiders in area too for crafters. If you stay on road friendly shammies will sometimes SOW you.
05-8 04-7 Nektulos Forest Undead Pillar/Wizard Spires a skeleton, a decaying skeleton, a zombie and a lesser mummy 100% Cla Easy to solo as a necro, Numb the Dead will let you single pull everything to break. The wizard spires have more wanderers so is a little more dangerous. Undead Pillar is close to zone. Occasional red a lesser mummy may need to be trained to guards at bridge, easier at pillar than spires.
- 05-10 East Commonlands ? Orcs, Dervish Cutthroats 100% Cla Save Deathfist Slashed Belts for Deathfist Slashed Belts (Quest); players sitting in the tunnel (auctioning) will often give free buffs
05-10 05-10 Innothule Swamp ? Assorted 100% Cla
- 05-10 Northern Desert of Ro ? Dervish Cuthroats 100% Cla
05-10 05-10 Southern Desert of Ro ? ? 100% Cla Watch out for mad men and the occasional ancient cyclops
- 05-10 West Commonlands ? Orcs, Dervish Cutthroats 100% Cla Save Deathfist Slashed Belts for Deathfist Slashed Belts (Quest)
6-11 6-11 Befallen Entrance Assorted 213% Cla Be careful of the named mob Gynok Moltor, his PH is the monster that spawns at the front and path around the dungeon
06-08 - Misty Thicket South-west Goblin camps (#2) Goblins (+ Assorted Critters) 100% Cla
06-07 04-07 Steamfont Kobold camps Kobolds 100% Cla
07-11 06-10 Steamfont South of minotaur cave, along the wall, eg. 750, -1990 Map Icon.png earth elementals, drakes, skeletons, harpies, etc. 100% Cla Watch out for Nilit's Contraption, and the Minotaur Hero (if you go past the caves); also the earth elementals and harpies tend to be a little tougher
07-10 07-10 Crushbone Entry area, slave area, trainer hill Orcs 213% Cla Save Crushbone Belts for Crushbone Belts (Quest)
08-12 - Clan Runnyeye First floor Goblins 133% Cla West-most camp has only 2 goblins, easy to break even if soloing
08-12 08-12 Blackburrow Past first door but not past other doors Gnolls 133% Cla Save Gnoll Fangs for Gnoll Bounty or Moonstones; trains are common
08-16 - Everfrost Plains/Tundra a polar bear, snow orc trooper, a giant wooly spider 100% Cla South wall of zone makes a good pull spot
09-14 - Rathe Mountains Beetle altars (Zaza and Ankh) Ankhesenaten, Ankhetperure, Ankhnesmerira, Zazamaharet, Zazamenhu, Zazaphenebti 100% Cla Three named beetles at each altar, far enough apart for easy solo pulling. They move slower than normal run speed so can be easily kited.
09-18 09-18 Kurn's Tower ? Assorted 200% Kun Skeletons are not social

Hunting Spots 10-14

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
10 09-10 Nektulos Forest Ruins near East Commonlands Zombies 100% Cla Npc a zombie.png Good for CLR/NEC. Undead, easy to solo as a Necro at 8 (and maybe earlier, as Numb the Dead allows single pulls)
10-14 8+ Western Karana #3, #6, and #16 Bandits 100% Cla Good for CLR/ENC. Save Bandit Sashes for Bandit Sashes (Quest); Clerics may need some twinking to solo these
10-15 - Upper Guk Near Heartspiders (map location 18) Map Icon.png and Near steps to scryer Map Icon.png a swampwater crocodile 159% Cla Npc a swampwater crocodile.png Good for ALL. Four spawns of swampwater crocodiles near the heartspiders by map location 18, non-aggro and non-social. One spawns in a small cubby, one wanders in the water, and two more spawn in the water near the stairs down to froglok scryer at map location 15. One of the spawns in that latter room is consistently higher level than the others.
12-17 10-16 Lake Rathetear Bandit Camp (map location 7) Map Icon.png A bandit 100% Cla Any race, good /neutral preferred. Next to the Rathe Mountain zone are Beta Neutral ogres you can sell to as well as 7 bandits on a 6:40 respawn. The long walk to this spot is worth it as a solo camp for the moderate drops + red sashes for the Qeynos turn in quest. Excellent spot to knock out 12-17 if you push it.
10-15 10-15 Estate of Unrest Entrance area (outside house) Assorted ("yard trash") 173% Cla
10-15 10-15 Southern Desert of Ro ? Assorted animals 100% Cla Most animals are non-social
10-15 10-15 Southern Desert of Ro Orc camp near south wall (unmarked on map) Orcs 100% Cla Need some form of CC to break camp
10-15 - Lake Rathetear Aviak island/Arena zoneline Aviaks (small "an aviak") 100% Cla Good for SHM. Aviaks are faction-less, but social.
10-12 8-11 Qeynos Catacombs Thug Camp, area 17 then area 15 Map Icon.png A_thug, then A smuggler (Qeynos Aqueducts). ? Cla
11-13 9-13 Butcherblock Mountains Chess board (#7) an undead bishop, an undead pawn, etc. 100% Cla Good for CLR/NEC/ROG. All undead, watch out for an undead king (he is much higher level). Rogues may require twinking
11-15 10-15 Butcherblock Mountains Goblin camps (#5, #6, #15, #22) Goblins 100% Cla Will need ability to split goblins if soloing, watch out for Goblin Shaman/Wizards
11-15 10-15 Butcherblock Mountains Bandit camp (#12) Dwarf bandits 100% Cla All bandits can be solo pulled easily, some have short patrols
11-15 11-15 Northern Desert of Ro ? Scarabs 100% Cla If you ask nicely sellers in East Commonlands may buff you
8-15 8-15 Befallen Past the First locked door Assorted 213% Cla Need to have the Splintered Wooden Key from the a shadowknight (Dark Elf Male)
11-15 - Erud's Crossing slightly off the west coast Map Icon.png A Zombie Sailor ? Cla Good for AFK, CLR.
11-15 ? Timorous Deep ? Streamer fish 100% Kun Can't bind in zone
12-15 ? Steamfont North of Lesser Faydark zoneline Map Icon.png 4x a Minotaur Slaver ? Cla Good for ENC/MAG. 4 static spawns that can be single pulled, close to zone line, you can also grab the occasional nearby a harpy or a giant rat
12-16 ? West Commonlands a willowisp and a Dervish Cutthroat (and others) ? Cla Good for ENC. Charm a willowisp and use it to kill Dervish Cutthroats (they won't be able to hurt it because it's immune to non-magic weapons)
12-16 - Erud's Crossing Whole island Will o' Wisps ? Cla Good for ENC/SHM. Wisps drop Lightstones and Greater Lightstones which can be sold (for ≈1p/≈4.5p) or turned in for the quests Research Aid/Evil Research; if you kill anything except wisps you can easily agro the entire island
12-16 The Overthere Southeast of outpost/North of chasm Cockatrices, Succulents, a sabertooth cat, a sabertooth tigress, etc. 100% Kun Lots of animals, which would normally be good for Druids, except that they have abnormally high resist rates
12-16 - Ocean of Tears Sisters Island (#10) Sister of Erollisi ? Cla Good for SHM, evil characters. Vendor on same island; lowers Clerics of Tunare/Faydarks Champions/King Tearis Thex/Soldiers of Tunare faction
12-18 - Lesser Faydark Nybright Sister Camp Nybright Sisters 100% Cla Good for DRU/ENC. Kill Kayla Nybright first to break camp (Harmony or similar agro reducers helps)
13-15 - Western Plains of Karana Camps across zone Bandits 100% Cla Good for ENC. Bandit Sashes can be turned in for experience
13-15 - Western Karana Small settlement in Northwest corner of zone Map Icon.png Guard Gregor and Misty Storyswapper 100% Cla Npc guard gregor.png Npc misty storyswapper.png
Good for NEC, evil characters. At level 13 Guard Gregor is blue and Misty Storyswapper can be white or yellow, but either version should be soloable. Both are on a six minute timer. Watch out for Guard McCluskey, as he rarely paths by and will assist (but if you give him a couple minutes he'll eventually path away). Anyone (even Iksar) can sell to Silna Weaver, behind building.
Lowers factions: Antonius Bayle, Guards of Qeynos, Merchants of Qeynos, Knights of Truth, and League of Antonican Bards
14-16 14-16 Kerra Island Entrance a kerran awrat and a kerran mamluk 120% Cla Good for ENC. Kerrans tend to come in pairs, which is great for charming; if you're not charming you will want Harmony, Soothe or a similar spell; avoid the huts to the left/right of the entrance: they contain merchants (who don't give XP), and aggroing anything near the hut will aggro them too; hurts Kerra Isle faction; Kerrans conveniently drop food/drink
14-19 14-19 East Karana Gnolls in the southwest a gnoll reaver and an undead reaver 100% Cla Good for AFK, SHM. Great solo camp; fast respawn and plenty of mobs almost all standing alone.
14-19 - Everfrost Plains/Tundra a mammoth calf 100% Cla Npc a mammoth calf.png Good for DRU/SHM.
14-19 - Lake of Ill Omen ? a sabertooth cat, a sabertooth tigress 87% Kun Good for DRU/SHM.
14-19 - Northern Karana ? a highland lion, a griffawn 100% Cla Good for DRU.

Hunting Spots 15-19

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
15-20 15-20 Kithicor Forest Camp high up on the West wall, South end, and pull Shraloks from that corner Map Icon.png Shralok Orcs 100% Cla Good for MAG. Magicians can start here at 14, though it's risky; save Orc Scalps for Orc Scalp Collecting quest; stay high on the wall to avoid the ghoul that paths by and the a kodiak bear that spawns near; starting in the Plane of Hate era, at night (in game) the zone has high level undead
15 15 Kurn's Tower Main floor Assorted 200% Kun Good for NEC.
15-18 - South Karana The plains area (ie. most of the zone) an adult elephant, an elephant, an elephant calf 100% Cla
An Elephant.JPG
Good for BRD/DRU/SHM.
15-20 15-20 Befallen Second and Third Floor Skeletons, Mummies, Ghouls, Necromancers 213% Cla Good for melee (who can take a beating from multiple enemies) and classes who can control undead. High chance of adds, but high ZEM. Be careful of Necromancers, who can be a little more difficult (adds a pet and DoTs).
15-20 15-20 Highpass Hold ? Orcs and Gnolls 107% Cla
15-20 15-20 Permafrost Near zone-in Ice Goblins 120% Cla Npc an ice goblin.png Good for MNK. Mobs start turning green at 18, but XP is still really good even then. Mobs are usually in pairs, so you may want to bring both to the zone line, kill one, zone, then come back (if you don't have CC).
15-21 15-21 Oasis of Marr Various, including #2 Caimans and Crocodiles 100% Cla Good for DRU/ENC. Avoid higher level Deepwater Crodcodiles
16-21 15-20 Gorge of King Xorbb Near the Runnyeye zone line Muddites, Minotaurs, Beholders 100% Cla Zone line lets you easily zone out (but has goblins). Avoid central areas with significantly higher level beholders. Muddites and minotaurs tend to be easier, while beholders are a lot harder (they have an enchanter pet and can nuke hard if you can't interrupt). Use the walls to navigate the zone without picking up lots of agro.
16-21 - Gorge of King Xorbb Near the East Karana zone line Map Icon.png A Chasm Minotaur, a Gorge Minotaur, a Muddite Minor, a Muddite Elder 100% Cla Npc a muddite elder.png Npc a gorge minotaur.png Good for NEC. Pull from the three canyons, starting with the East, then North, then West. Avoid the beholders (they're much more powerful), which tend to come from East tunnel. One minotaur can spawn in the space between the canyons, so pull to the hill slightly farther back to avoid having him spawn on you. If you avoid killing Goblins you could eventually get enough faction with them to be able to use their bank in Runnyeye (but it will take lots of killing here)
16-17 - Erud's Crossing Whole island Kerrans ? Cla Lowers Kerra Isle faction
16-19 15-19 Lavastorm Mountains Near zone-in from Nektulos Forest or Najena a fire elemental, a lava crawler, a lava basilisk, a Rock Dervish, etc. 100% Cla Good for ROG/SHD/WAR. Pull to zone-in area to avoid adds; With the exception of a fire elemental and a fire imp most mobs are not threatening to attack.
16-18 - Toxxulia Forest On the way to Paineel Pixies 100% Cla Pixies are non-social
16-20 - Nektulos Forest Lavastorm zone entrance Dark elf guards 100% Cla Good for MAG. Easy AFK camp. Guards drop bronze long swords and are on a 6m40s timer.
16-20 14-18 The Overthere Mudhole (Semi Dry Lake) Cockatrices, Succulents, Sabre-toothed Tigers, etc. 100% Kun From boat keep water on your left until you get to the hills, then go right to the Mudhole. Watch for Sarnaks, as they are social and will agro.
16-20 14-18 Upper Guk Near the zone-in 166% Cla
16-40 - Paineel Multiple locations Guards 100% Pai Good for characters with Amiable or higher Heretics faction. Has no faction hit, each mob drops 10pp in loot per kill. Heavily camped, some guards have up to 24min respawn timers.
17-21 - Western Plains of Karana Field at #10 Map Icon.png Scarecrows 100% Cla Good for CLR/NEC. Scarecrows don't run and are undead, so you can use Sense the Dead to find the closest one. They don't agro, can very rarely proc "fear" (stun), and they sometimes drop Sack of Hay for the nearby Gathering Grain quest (which gives an extra 1% XP or less). Watch out for werewolves and (during the era when they appear) swarmlings and The Swarm Mother, as they path through the field periodically .
17-21 - Dagnor's Cauldron NE corner Sandbar Serpents 100% Cla Good for ALL. In the NE corner of the zone, three serpents on 2:00 timers spawn as placeholders for Jetsam, Flotsam, and Squallslither within sight of each other. This may be the fastest spawning camp in the game — these mobs will respawn as fast as you can kill them for theoretically zero downtime. Occasionally, Barnacle Bones or a PH will wander through.
18-22 17-22 Rathe Mountains #3 a kodiak bear 100% Cla
Npc a kodiak bear.png
Good for DRU/RNG/SHM. Avoid the Unkempt Preservers when pulling (they will attack you if you attack the bears); if you have a spell like Harmony you can also kill Blinde the Cutpurse in nearby area #6
18-25 17-24 Lake Rathetear Aviak islands Aviak guards 100% Cla Good for NEC/SHM. Aviaks are faction-less, but social. There are seven aviak guards total in the west part of the zone (near the Arena). Levitate speeds things up a ton by being able to scoot across water
19 12-19 Oasis of Marr Orc Highway Orcs 100% Cla Good for ENC.
19-21 17-19 Kerra Island ? Kerrans 120% Cla Good for ENC.
19-23 - East Karana Throughout zone a war wolf, a lion patriarch, a rogue lion, a spirit stalker, a dark stalker, a gorge hound, a griffawn 100% Cla Angelhawk-ekarana.jpg Good for DRU. The Druid Charm Kiting Guide by Angelhawk has a great map of where to hunt
19-24 - The Overthere Mudhole (Semi Dry Lake) Cockatrices, Succulents, Sabre-toothed Tigers, etc. 100% Kun From boat keep water on your left until you get to the hills, then go right to the Mudhole. Watch for Sarnaks, as they are social and will agro.

Hunting Spots 20-24

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
20 20 Upper Guk "Squire Camp" A Froglok Gaz Squire and other frogloks 166% Cla
Npc a froglok gaz squire.png
20-23 Oasis a deepwater crocodile, a deepwater caiman 100% Cla
Npc a deepwater crocodile.png
Good for DRU.
20-24 - Stonebrunt Mountains Kejekan Mines, #2 Map Icon.png a kejekan miner x4 100% War
A kejekan miner.png
Good for fear kiting. Extremely safe camp. The Kejek in the village do not see invis, and are indifferent to all but evil races. Multiple vendors in town. No creatures roam through or path across it's spacious mines, and the 4 miners working away within are able to be solo pulled without harmony. Kejek frequently drop food & drink, and these miners have the additional chance to drop a Large Brick of High Quality Ore which sells for ~17pp.

There is a large, completely uninhabited portion of the mine behind a wall of rocks perfect for fear kiting. These rocks can be opened like doors (don't ask me why, I don't know) with a simple click. A good method for fear kiting is to pull miners back to this uninhabited portion, then proceeding to do all of the usual fear kiting stuff. Despite the odd geometry of the mine, I've yet to ever have a creature fall through the floor on me.

Please note, that whilst the miners will not fall through the floor in the tunnel, if they are pulled up or down the tunnel and you move out of line-of-sight they will warp above the tunnel and pull roaming mobs from above down onto you. Pathing of feared mobs did not cause this behaviour, only when breaking line of sight.

Adventurers seeking additional enemies to slay will find the Kejek guarding the main gate satisfactory. With care, they can be single pulled up to the mountaintops -- just be sure to /con them first. Groups or Enchanters will enjoy the static pairs of a kejekan archer perched outside of the village's walls. Lowers Kejek Village & Peace Keepers.
20 - 24 - West Freeport -107, -430 Map Icon.png Trissa Whistlesong 100% Cla
Npc trissa whistlesong.png
Good for AFK, NEC, evil characters. Lazy single kill every 6m40s. Lowers Guards of Qeynos, Knights of Truth, League of Antonican Bards.
20-24 - Kurn's Tower Start at top, work down to the lower tunnels Greater Scalebones, Lesser Icebones, Lesser Charbones 200% Kun Good for MNK/NEC. Skeletons are not social, when you finish just zone out/in and repeat; if you've never killed any Burynai then it's very easy to get to the basement, but if you've killed even one then Invisibility to Undead won't be enough
20-24 17-22 Timorous Deep Elven Outpost Docks An elven ranger, An elven scout, An elven war scout 100% Kun
Npc an elven scout.png
Good for NEC, evil characters. Lowers Inhabitants of Firiona Vie and Greater Faydark factions. Mobs have lvl 9 ranger spells only. Drops moderate coin + rusty/ rare bronze weapons. Beta Neutral vendor Micus Benoren in a hut on the beach near the docks sells to anyone. Excellent solo camp w/ minimal risk. Good mobs to recover Indigo Brotherhood faction from.
22-27 - Lake Rathetear location 2, near South Karana zone line Map Icon.png A greater zombie, An exhumed gnoll 100% Cla
Npc an exhumed gnoll.png
Good for CLR/MAG. All undead, but only at night: during the day there's only lower-level gnolls (see below for undead in nearby Rathe Mountains); because the mobs are close Soothe/Harmony helps, but characters at the higher-end of the level range can pull singles without it
22 - 23 - Rathe Mountains Findlegrob's Tower, #7 Map Icon.png dry bone skeletons 100% Cla Good for CLR. Undead, you may have to clear green skeletons/zombies to make the dry bone ones spawn
22 - 24 - North Karana -3801, 1160 Map Icon.png Cordelia Minster 100% Cla
Npc cordelia minster.png
Good for NEC, evil characters. Lazy single kill every 7 minutes. She wanders northwest of the gypsy camp, but once you kill her you can just wait for her respawn(every 6m40s) at the Wizard spires; wait a little north of them to avoid Guard Fredrick, who paths through. Lowers Guards of Qeynos, Knights of Truth, League of Antonican Bards.
22 - 25 - Najena 80, -58 Map Icon.png a skeleton 159% Cla Good for PAL, CLR. Individual spawns of a skeleton that are quite safe, free from adds, and frequently drop small ringmail gloves and small ringmail bracelet for vendoring. Skeletons drop a piece for Paladin quest The Sword of Nobility. Several spawns exist, but the most accessible is marked.
22-30 20-30 Misty Thicket west of the Great Wall, just east of the orc camp along the north zone wall. Slaythe 100% Cla
Npc slaythe.png
Good for DRU. Slaythe is spawned by asking Bronin Higginsbot, on top of the southernmost Wall Tower in Misty Thicket, for a 'small favor'. After that run north along the west side of the Great Wall until you reach the north zone wall, where Slaythe is waiting. Kill the frog and and turn his leg into Bronin Higginsbot for The Bloody Shank (quest), then you can respawn Slaythe.

Requires indifferent faction with the Rivervale Rogue faction, DeepPockets (wolf form works); Bronin will not spawn Slaythe at lower faction. Killing Slaythe lowers Frogloks of Kunark, while turning his leg in raises DeepPockets, Carson McCabe, Circle of Unseen Hands, Coalition of TradeFolk III.

CAUTION: Turning in the leg also lowers Merchants of Rivervale.

VERY good, safe and steady EXP. Druids (with wolf form and levitate, to jump off the stumps west of the wall to get to the top of the tower and respawn) can do this especially quickly. Just nuke/kite (unsnared) down the wall, avoiding the guards, and finish him off near the tower for a quick respawn.
20-26 - Najena Crystal Room (#4) Map Icon.png A Magician 173% Cla
Npc a magician.png
Good for MAG. This room has 3 magicians which you can split just by using line of sight. Edge down the left side of the hall until you can "see" the right mob and pull. Repeat on the right side. These magicians drop Mage focus item components: A Broom, A Shovel, A Stein, & A Torch (although not initially in Classic ).

At 26 I was getting 6% of level for 1 Mage and pet. Respawn is 18:30. In that time you can also kill the 2 Skeletons just in the cave before the crystal room and two possible tentacle terrors in the entrance room (or some spiders not too far from the skeletons).

Alternatively in Classic you can wait on the /list for Drelzna, as this room is within the /list range.
20-28 20-28 South Karana "KFC" (Aviak town near Lake Rathe zoneline) Aviaks 100% Cla Good for BRD/SHM. Some races (not Barbarians) can use the merchant at the top level
21 21 Mistmoore Entrance 120% Cla
21-23 17-22 Blackburrow Deep in (area around Lord Elgnub) Gnolls 133% Cla Save Gnoll Fangs for Gnoll Bounty or Moonstones; trains are common
- 21-24 Estate of Unrest Fireplace Assorted 173% Cla
21-24 - East Karana Bottom of ramp/road to Highpass Crag Spiders 100% Cla Npc a crag spider.png Good for ENC/NEC/WAR. spiders drop lots of Spider Silk for Tailoring
21-24 18-24 Lake of Ill Omen Beach north of river from Firiona Vie Goblins, Sarnaks, Sabre-tooth Tigers, etc. 87% Kun
21-24 18-24 Lake of Ill Omen Around windmill Goblins, Sarnaks, Sabre-tooth Tigers, etc. 87% Kun
21-24 19-26 Ocean of Tears ? Gargoyles, Mermaids Cla Good for DRU/NEC. Gargoyles have pretty good loot - Read this guide for further details.
21-30 21-30 Warsliks Woods Forest giant fort Forest giants 100% Kun Good for all.
21-25 21-25 South Karana Hermit Cottage (#7) Map Icon.png a hermit 100% Cla
Npc a hermit.png
Good for NEC. a hermit is a Ranger (with no faction), and respawns every 2 minutes. To get him out of his (locked) cottage stand at the back of it, by the chimney, /target a_hermit (or just /target a), and /say I am here to kill you (or use a spell/ranged attack/pet)
21-25 - West Karana Small House Just East of Barbarian Fishing Village Map Icon.png Lempeck Hargrin 100% Cla
Npc lempeck hargrin.png
Good for AFK, NEC, evil characters. Respawns every 10 minutes. You can sell to Analya in the nearby Barbarian village, as she is on Beta Neutral faction. Lowers Antonius Bayle Guards of Qeynos, Knights of Thunder, Priests of Life
21-30 21-30 Warsliks Woods Forest Giant Hut (#8 on the map) Forest giants 100% Kun Three spawns outside of each others aggro range. only 2 pathers (usually goblins) Great for Root/Rotting
22-25 22-25 Dagnor's Cauldron ? Aqua Goblin Bosuns, Aqua Goblin Tidal Lords 100% Cla Good for BRD.
22-25 22-25 The Overthere Near Warsliks Woods zoneline Cockatrices, Succulents, Sabre-toothed Tigers, etc. 100% Kun
- 26-29 Clan Runnyeye ? Goblins 133% Cla Lots of casters; Snare is necessary
23-25 - Rathe Mountains North of Zazamoukh (#20) Drakes (an ebon drake, a basalt drake, etc.) 100% Cla Good for RNG. Avoid Zazamoukh and watch out for Rharzar and if you see a drake leave it up as it's Rharzar's placeholder
23-25 - South Karana West of Aviak town Elephants, Bull Elephants 100% Cla Good for BRD/DRU/SHM.
23-25 - Najena Caves in the North end of zone Map Icon.png A Giant Black Widow 173% Cla Good for MAG. To get to this spot you'll have to "crawl" through the rest of the dungeon. There are three tentacle terrors along the way that should be good XP, although you can avoid all of them if you are careful. Once you get to the spiders you want to be VERY careful not to get close to the massive groups of goblins, or you will die before you can gate. Also beware that the spider at 460, 220 Map Icon.png can spawn The Widowmistress if you are unlucky.
24-30 24-30 Lake of Ill Omen North of windmill Goblins, Sarnaks, Sabre-tooth Tigers, etc. 87% Kun Keep an eye out for the rare A Sarnak Courier which can drop a
Goblin Gazughi Ring
Goblin Gazughi Ring
Item 872.png

AC: 1
Effect: Invisibility versus Animals (Must Equip, Casting Time: Instant) at Level 5
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

(sells for a few thousand plat)
24-30 - West Karana Barbarian Fishing Village Map Icon.png Mistrana Two Notes, Junth McMannus, Lars McMannus 100% Cla Npc mistrana two notes.png Npc junth mcmannus.png Good for NEC, evil characters. Pull to the hill next to village to avoid adds. The Barbarians respawn faster than Mistrana, and you can use /target to pull them out of their houses without going in. Avoid the higher level Ulrich McMannus and Guard Donlan (the latter rarely paths through). Avoid Sera McMannus and Misla McMannus (neither gives XP). Some of the mobs are yellow to a 24, but are doable by a Necromancer of that level. You can sell to Analya (also in village), as she is on Beta Neutral faction. Lowers Halas Factions.
24-30 - West Karana Along Karana river, East end of zone Map Icon.png Ryshon Hunsti (23) 100% Cla Npc ryshon hunsti.png Good for NEC. A solitary human Paladin fishing along the Karana river, on a 22 min timer, with no faction hit. Evil characters can also kill Lempeck Hargrin, who isn't too far away.
24-32 26-30 Swamp of No Hope #4 on map Iksar exiles (groups of 3 and 6, level 23, static with 6:45 respawn) 100% Kun Good for DRU/MNK/NEC/RNG/SHM. Drops fine steel weapons, gems, 1-2pp average coin (mostly gold), TT zoneline is close for escapes (requires levitation), no roamers (easy AFK breaks), close to Cabilis for Iksar to bank/sell; requires CC/root/harmony, see [3] for more detail

Hunting Spots 25-29

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
25-30 - Rathe Mountains Near Lake Rathe Giant Skeletons 133% Cla
Giant Skeleton.jpg
Good for DRU/NEC/SHM. Simple undead warrior mobs; lizard men (eg. a lizard man warrior) are PHs, so kill them to get more skeletons
25-30 - Lake of Ill Omen West side of lake skeletons, sabertooth grimalkins (Stationary goblins x4 in buildings NW of lake) 87% Kun Good for NEC. Undead
25-30 23-26 Lesser Faydark Faerie Camp Faeries 133% Cla Lowers Faerie faction (needed for Ranger Rain Caller Quest)
26-32 - Everfrost Everfrost plains A Wooly Mammoth 133% Cla Mammiespawns.jpg Good for DRU/ENC/NEC/RNG. The Druid Charm Kiting Guide by Angelhawk contains a helpful map.
As of June 2020 this map does not appear to be correct. It is possible that mammoth spawns have been moved or spawn rates have been altered.
- 26-32 High Keep ? Basement goblins 112.5% Cla Great EXP and cash, but usually a lengthy waitlist for the group. Turn in goblin ears for a bit of extra EXP. Can probably last you longer than 32.
25-31 Rathe Mountains (-1280, 740) a basalt drake 100% Cla Good for AFK (i.e. "Dad Camp"). Single, static spawn (respawn 6'ish mins), blue until 32. Safe spot to sit/med up the hill next to the mob. Pull up the hill to kill. Beware the level 50 drake that wanders this area (Rharzar) who pats across the spawn location.
27-30 27-30 Lake of Ill Omen Just east of windmill (#13) A Sabertooth Grimalkin 87% Kun Lake of Ill Omen Grimalkin in Front of Windmill.png Good for DRU. Be careful, as mobs have somewhat high magic resist; 4x Grimalkins spawn on a 6 minute timer, pull to windmill to avoid adds
27-31 27-33 Cazic Thule Alligator Pit Alligators 150%* Cla Alligator fight.png Good for DRU/RNG/SHM. * This guide does not reflect recent ZEM changes, but the zone definitely got a boost! See Cazic Thule Alligator Pit for more info
27-31 - Tower of Frozen Shadow First level, right hallways from entrance a shadow beast 113% Vel
Npc a shadow beast.png
Good for CLR/NEC. Lots of undead (which do run). You'll need Calm or some sort of CC.

Be careful in the first main room, as it is slippery and has a pit (with two shadowboness in it). If you turn right immediately you won't agro them, or the shades at the end of the room. You will then be at a T-intersection: there are two beasts in the room to the right, and three in the room to the left (plus one more beyond it).

Any beast can spawn a large undead gnoll when they die, so be careful. If you move away immediately he won't agro (but you'll have to avoid him).
28-33 - Tower of Frozen Shadow First level, entry room (and beyond) an icy shade, A shadowbone and a shadow beast 113% Vel
Npc an icy shade.png
Good for CLR/NEC. Lots of undead (which do run). You'll need Calm or some sort of CC to solo. The shades stay blue up to 39 but the rest turns green by sooner.

Be careful in the main room, as it is slippery and has a pit (with two shadowboness in it). Beyond the pit are two icy shades, and there are more shadowboness and shadow beasts in the adjacent hallways and rooms. To pull the shades without aggroing the pit mobs, move up to the hallways on either side, Calm the far one, then pull the closer one.

can spawn a large undead gnoll when they die, so be careful. If you move away immediately he won't agro (but you'll have to avoid him).
27-34 - Warsliks Woods caves leading to Dalnir a skulking brute 100% Kun Good for BRD/CLR/DRU/ENC/MAG/MNK/NEC/PAL/ROG/RNG/SHD/SHM/WAR/WIZ. Two spawning locations in the caves. One group of two, the other is a group of 3. They do not aggro, easy to fight, and go down fast. Lots of coin and gems to loot.
- 27-33 Cazic Thule Maze 150%* Cla * This guide does not reflect recent ZEM changes, but after those changes XP is *very* good here! Lots of roamers and healers, so a good duo/trio (if not a full group) is recommended.
- 27-33 Cazic Thule near Temple 113%* Cla * This guide does not reflect recent ZEM changes, but after those changes XP is *very* good here! Lots of roamers and healers.
28-35 - Southern Karana north east corner A Treant x2 133% Cla Good for NEC/SHM, evil characters. North east corner has two Treants They look like the will come together when pulled but they wont if you stand to one side. They are druids so either fear kite or nukem fast. Great for evil toons. drops coin, gems, and fine steel staffs; lowers Guards of Qeynos, Jaggedpine Treefolk, Protectors of Pine and QRG Protected Animals faction. Sesserdrix's Necromancer Guide has an entry for this spot
28(31)-35 - Western Karana Barbarian Fishing Village Map Icon.png Ulrich McMannus, Mistrana Two Notes (optional), Guard Donlan (Optional) 133% Cla NPC Ulrich McMannus.jpg Npc mistrana two notes.png Good for AFK, NEC, evil characters. Necromancers can do Ulrich starting at level 27 or 28 (even though he's yellow and it's a bit risky) by fear kiting him. Spirit of the Wolf or Journeyman's Boots are *highly* recommended in case of a string of Fear resists though. Such Necros can also kill Mistrana (who will be a blue con at that level). Ulrich becomes a blue con (and becomes soloable by non-Necros) at 31. Guard Donlan also paths through village and you can kill him (but he lowers Corrupt Qeynos Guard faction). You can AFK away from village, and sell to Analya (also in village), as she is on Beta Neutral faction. Good for evil characters as Ulrich lowers Halas Factions and Mistrana lowers Guards of Qeynos, Knights of Truth, League of Antonican Bards.
28-35 - Iceclad Ocean Area around tower Snow Cougars, Shadow Guardians 100% Vel Good for DRU/RNG. Vendors and bind spot in zone at docks, can (rarely) loot Cougar Claw Earrings or High Quality Cougar Skin; beware of Garou and Midnight; the "beach" at around 2700, 1700 Map Icon.png (and the area right above it) is a safe spot you can pull mobs to (in particular Cougars are right near by).
29-32 - South Karana Centaur huts Centaur Archers 133% Cla
Centaur Village.jpg
Good for BRD/SHM. Centaurs have no faction so you can kill them then use their vendor
29-32 29-32 Mistmoore Graveyard 116% Cla Good for ENC.
29-33 - Ocean of Tears Sisters Island (#10) Dwarves 133% Cla Good for NEC, evil characters. Vendor on same island, lowers Dwarf factions
29-35 29-35 Kerra Island ? Kerrans, including Shazda Asad 133% Cla Kerrans start out non-KOS (but killing them lowers faction)
29-33 - Iceclad Ocean Island with gnome pirate outpost (#2), north of outpost Snow Cougar 100% Vel Good for DRU/RNG. Vendors and bind spot in zone at docks; can loot Cougar Claw Earring; beware: as an island with nowhere to run, if you don't have gate or CC you will have to be very careful about not getting adds

Hunting Spots 30-34

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
32-36 24-36 Timorous Deep Golra island (#12 on map) a golra 110% Kun A great AFK/"dad" camp. Static spawns, single pulls, no roamers. Good spot for quadding, lots of room, 8+ spawns. 12min respawn. Loot is small amount of coin and words, nothing else.
30-34 - Rivervale ? Guards 100% Cla Good for evil characters. Lowers Guardians of the Vale, Mayor Gubbin, Merchants of Rivervale, and Storm Reapers faction; beware, some guards are level 40
30-34 - Emerald Jungle ? emerald stalker, a frenzied gorilla, a frenzied leech, a frenzied tiger 100% Kun Good for DRU.
30-34 - The Overthere ? sabretooth tigress 100% Kun Lots of animals with very high resist rates (bad for animal charming)
30-34 - Lake of Ill Omen between Frontier Mountains zone-line and lake a sabertooth grimalkin 87% Kun Charmed grimalkins can be used to aggro kite Sarnak Fort pretty efficiently
30-34 - Warsliks Woods caves leading to Dalnir a skulking brute 100% Kun Good for MNK/ROG/WAR. Very popular location, can be difficult to get one of the rooms. Two spawning locations in the caves. One group of two, the other is a group of 3. They do not aggro, easy to fight, and go down fast. Lots of coin and gems to loot.
31-35 - Western Karana North/Central part of the zone around -1300, -8900 Map Icon.png Choon and Froon 100% Cla
Npc choon.png
Can be pulled individually
31-33 - Splitpaw Entrance First five gnolls 128% Cla Good for ENC/SHM. You'll need to be able to split as these gnolls are paired up; save Tesch Val Scrolls for extra XP
31-34 - Misty Thicket The Wall Halfling Guards 100% Cla Good for NEC/SHM, evil characters. Lowers Guardians of the Vale, Mayor Gubbin, Merchants of Rivervale, and Storm Reapers faction.
31-36 - South Karana Spires around Splitpaw zoneline Gnolls 100% Cla Gnoll Spires in South Karana.jpg Good for BRD/ENC/MAG/NEC/SHM. Save Tesch Val Scrolls for extra XP
31-39 - Crystal Caverns Start at the top, work down Ry'Gorr orcs 113% Vel Dwarf city in zone: can bank/vendor using sneak or a faction spell/song; velium ore for trade skills drops here
32-35 29-34 Cazic Thule ? Alligators 113% Cla Alligator Hall.png Good for DRU/RNG/SHM. See Cazic Thule Alligator Alley for more info
32-35 - South Karana Centaur huts Centaur Coursers and Centaur Chargers 100% Cla Centaur Village.jpg Good for BRD/SHM. Centaurs have no faction so you can kill them then use their vendor
32-35 32-35 Solusek's Eye First goblin room Goblins 173% Cla Can vendor at the goblin merchant with sneak/faction spell/song or in Lavastorm
32-39 30-37 Field of Bone Sythrax Temple (location B) in the north-eastern-most area Servant of Sythrax, a skeletal jester 110% Kun Undead. You may need Enduring breath to get in with low swimming skill. Servants have relatively high resists. Recommend starting with the 2 jesters. They can be pulled single out of Ghargs room, the Sythrax will not social.
33-38 33-38 Mistmoore Castle Entrance 120% Cla Good for ENC. A gypsy musician (Rogue) makes a good Enchanter pet
33-40 31-40 Frontier Mountains Giant Fort Mountain Giant Tumps and Mountain Giant Hillocks 100% Kun Good for BRD/SHM.
33-37 30-37 Great Divide Tizmak cave Tizmaks 100% Vel
Npc a tizmak champion.png
Can bind/sell at nearby Thurgadin, lowers Tizmak Clan faction (but you start high enough to learn the layout before becoming KoS); velium weapons and leather armor drop (which vendor pretty well); kill shaman first : they are nasty but go down fast
34 - Western Karana Ogre camp Ogres 100% Cla Good for good characters. Good money, beware of Chief Goonda
34-37 - Splitpaw Entrance up to double doors Gnolls 128% Cla Good for ENC/SHM. You'll need to be able to split, as these gnolls are paired up; save Tesch Val Scrolls for extra XP
34-39 24-30 Estate of Unrest Basement Assorted 173% Cla
34-40 - Estate of Unrest Festering Hag tower A Festering Hag, A Greater Dark Bone and A werebat 173% Cla Good for DRU/ENC/SHM. Use Potion of Unlife Awareness, Greater Wolf Form with Harmony, or Beguile to get to the hags and split them. Watch out for An undead knight of Unrest who's a rare spawn in the center spot who harm touches, but drops the Bloodstained Tunic and Mantle.
34-41 32-39 Mines of Nurga Exit tunnel Goblins 100%? Kun 5 single spawns and 1 dual spawn; further details and more details
34-55 34-55 Dreadlands Along the walls of Karnor's Castle Assorted 100% Kun Good for BRD/ENC/SHM.

Hunting Spots 35-39

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
34-40 - North Karana South Karana Bridge -4216, 1190 Map Icon.png Guards Guard Oystin & Guard Westyn 133% Cla Good for NEC/SHM. Guards both of which are level 30. Static spawn on 6 minute timer next to each other. South Karana zoneline right there for easy split. Great for Evil races.
34-40 - North Karana Guard Tower -1240, 122 Map Icon.png Guard Stanard & Guard Bartley 133% Cla Good for Evil Races, MNK/SK/NEC, AFK. Both guards are level 30 on a 6 minute spawn timer. Easy split, with gypsy camp nearby to sell Fine Steel Weapons and Shields that drop. Beware of GrimFeather and the occassional a griffenne wandering through.
34-40 - West Commonlands Tollbooth 37, 60 Map Icon.png Guards Guard Valon & Guard Colin 133% Cla Good for Evil Races, NEC,SHM. Guards are level 30 and 31. Static spawn on 6 minute timer next to each other. Splitting can be annoying, but they are very easy after that. Great for Evil races.
35-39 - Tower of Frozen Shadow Second level, exit hallway Map Icon.png a ghostly scholar 113% Vel
Npc a ghostly scholar.png
Good for CLR/NEC, AFK. When you reach 2nd floor use Invis vs. Undead and cross the room to the exit hallway. Facing back the way you came, the scholar straight ahead, and the two closest on the right Map Icon.png, are all single-pullable. They are undead but run, so pull them all the way back into the exit hall. Many scholars charm you (and bring you back to their spawn point, which is often a death sentence); Clerics should intersperse every nuke with a stun to avoid this. Have a CR plan, because even if you are bound outside, you or your rezzer will need a way to get the level #2 key (eg. make a corpse on level #1 with a backup key, or camp an alt nearby who can farm the key).
35-36 35-36 Lower Guk Zoneline up to the watery passage to bedroom ? 107% Cla
31-38 - Upper Guk ? Ancient Crocodile 166% Cla
Npc an ancient croc.png
Good for NEC. Can drop Gatorscale Leggings
35-39 - Emerald Jungle ? a frenzied ape, a giant frenzied leech, a raging tiger, a trakaraptor, a raging gorilla, a trakanasaur 100% Kun Good for DRU. Good for animal charming
35-39 - Northern Karana ? a griffon 100% Cla Good for DRU. Good for animal charming
35-39 - The Overthere ? sabretooth tiger 100% Kun
35-39 - The Overthere Along the western wall Sarnak Berzerker 100% Kun Sarnak Berzerkers are great farming for war braids at this level. Decent quest turn in and faction for hammer. Solo roaming spawn near fortress wall / western wall corner on 6 min timer always spawns a berzerker or a knight.
35-40 - Iceclad Ocean Largest island, pull to shore Dire Wolves 100% Vel Good for DRU/RNG. Good for animal charming/fear kiting
35-40 - Firiona Vie Outside settlement Pirates 100% Kun Safest pull spot is the cliff face running east of FV. All pirates con blue to a lvl 35 player. The first green cons appear at lvl 36.
35-41 - Rathe Mountains Gypsy Camp Cynthia 100% Cla She's on Beta Neutral faction; try to kill her before she buffs herself
35-42 - High Keep ? Guards 150% Cla Guards range in level from 27-35
35-42 - Splitpaw Snake Lake (under bridge/waterfall) Map Icon.png a gaduladian widemouth 150% Cla
Npc ganduladian.png
There are 7 snakes, approximately level 30-32, non-aggro but social (all but these two can be pulled solo NOTE: This is incorrect. There are multiple spawns that might aggro upon pulling one, but there are a couple that can be single pulled), 22 min respawn. They hit for a max of 70 and occasionally proc a weak poison DoT. Pull up to the pillar to get them out of the water. No traffic, trains, or loot ... except for one buggy low-level gnoll that glitches through the bridge, but if you don't sit on that side of the pillar he shouldn't agro.
36-39 - Neriak Foreign Quarter Front gate/trade area Two level 35 guards at gate, pathers in trade area 133% Cla Hurts ? Neriak factions; watch out for Divn L'Crit in trade area
36-42 Western Plains of Karana #9 & #13 Map Icon.png Guard Donlan, Guard McCluskey, Ulrich McMannus, Einhorst McMannus 100% Cla Good for ENC/BRD. In-depth guide.
36-45 30-45 Crystal Caverns Geonid tunnel Geonids 113% Vel
Npc a geonid.png
Dwarf city in zone: can bank/vendor using sneak, a faction spell/song, or by repeating part of the The Spirit of Garzicor quest; lowers Geonid faction
37-41 37-41 The Overthere West-side of zone Assorted 100% Kun Good for DRU/WIZ. Good spot for quadding. Rhinos and tigers run fast and they along with chickens have higher resists - stick to succulents for the fewest resists.
37-42 35-42 Kaesora ? ? 147% Kun Good for CLR/NEC. Tons of undead. Mobs with Xalgoz in their name lower Venril Sathir (Overthere outpost) faction.
38-42 - Rathe Mountains #19 Hill Giants 100% Cla Hill Giants drop a lot (20? plat average) of coin
38-45+ - 36+ Western Karana 9 Guard Donlan 100% Cla Guard McCluskey lvl 36 Guard Donlan lvl 30 two static spawns but at night they wander (makes for a good time to split). They drop swords worth plat and a Guard Bracelet. Turn the bracelets into Capt Linarius in Northern Plains of Karana for XP and sellable loot. The quest makes this kill good way past the level range of the lower guard. Increases good guard faction lowers evil Qeynos faction.
38-51 38-51 Timorous Deep Spiroc Island (#2) Map Icon.png a Spiroc Lightfoot, a Spiroc Watcher, etc. 100% Kun Npc a spiroc lightfoot.pngNpc a spiroc watcher.png Good for DRU,MAG. Can't bind in zone. Lightfoots are the lowest (but are still blue at 46), Watchers are the next toughest, and Proven (rogues with a powerful backstab) are the most dangerous: when kiting them if they get close while casting be sure to always turn to face them.
There's plenty of room to kite (quad, pet, etc.) around the tree house, but you can also drag to the Ogre side of island for more room.
39-43 39-43 Temple of Droga Hallway between 2 and 3 Goblins 100% Kun One-way drop after zone-in so melees need to fight (or sneak) to escape the zone. Tons of shamans and harm touching shadow knight mobs.
39-43 - Great Divide Bear cave a tundra kodiak 100% Vel
Npc a tundra kodiak.png
Good for DRU/RNG. All animals, good for animal charming or fear kiting. Bloodmaw (level 20 warrior, with 50k HP) makes a great pet.

CAUTION: Charming Bloodmaw inside the cave and attempting to move him out of his room before clearing spawns will chain-aggro the entire cave system.
39-43 - Iceclad Ocean Bridge to Eastern Wastes a frost giant elite, a frost giant scout 100% Vel
Npc a frost giant elite.png
Good for RNG. Most don't hit that hard, although the highest-level elites can be rough; gives Coldain and Claws of Veeshan and lowers Kromrif and Kromzek; there are two elites guards (far apart enough to single pull) at bridge, then you can pull more scouts from the nearby area
39-44 - Eastern Wastes Near Iceclad bridge A wooly mammoth, a snow cougar, A wooly rhino 100% Vel
Npc a wooly mammoth.png
Npc a wooly rhino.png Npc a snow cougar.png
Good for DRU/RNG. Good animal charming/fear kiting; pull animals from field west of bridge to the area a bit north of the bridge to avoid adds; avoid a snow dervish while pulling (easy to miss); be careful with rhinos, as they tend to be higher level and tougher; also be careful with wolf form: it helps if you agro (fast-moving) gryphons, but it makes nearby Coldain agro
35-42 - Western Karana Tower 2 Guard Pryde, Guard Kilson Cla
Npc guard pryde.png
Npc guard kilson.png
Good for WAR. There is a faction hit, but easily fixable later by hunting the corrupt guards or mass killing gnolls. Drops fine steel each time, one drops shield, and both drop coin. Vendor in northwest corner of WK that anyone can use. No splitting needed on these two, just need to wait for them to roam away from each other.

Hunting Spots 40-44

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
40-? - Northern Felwithe (147, -374) Tolon Nurbyte (Felwithe Version) 150% Cla Good for MAG. Infinitely spawnable as part of Princess Lenya (Quest): hail Inkeeper Freegraze and ask him "where is Tolon Nurbyte"
40-46 - Trakanon's Teeth Near Emerald Jungle Zoneline Undead 100% Kun
Npc spectral legionnaire.png
Good for SHD.
40-47 - Trakanon's Teeth Front of Sebilis Ruins Map Icon.png Spectral Legionnaire and Spectral footman 100% Kun
Npc spectral legionnaire.png
Good for AFK, CLR/NEC. Several Legionnaires (undead warriors that lifetap) wander the front of the ruins, and you can pull them back into the "courtyard" (ie. area with columns and Iksar statues) to avoid adds. To AFK between kills you can sit in the corners of the courtyard (eg. -1300, -2100 Map Icon.png). Drops aren't common, but you do get research components and sometimes gems. At level 47 many start becoming green cons, but you can still get good XP from the green/blue con mix.
40-49 - Kedge Keep Entrance ? 217% Cla Good for DRU/SHM. Enduring Breath required; Crowd control (for breaking schools of fish) is recommended, but without it pull all of them, root/snare one at the zone line, zone out/back in, kill the rooted fish, repeat
40-43 38-41 Solusek's Eye Path to keep Clockworks and gnomes 173% Cla Soloable by melee classes; magician mobs cast damage shield buffs, don't get too close to the keep as clerics inside will heal through the walls, can vendor in Lavastorm, lowers Ak'Anon factions.
40-45 - Eastern Wastes West of #9 on map, ≈ -9000, 4000 Map Icon.png, where the walruses roam Walrus (and optionally Uthorks) 100% Vel
Walrus Field.png
Good for DRU/RNG. There's plenty of space around the walrus field for you to pull to, so you can easily fight mobs safely; adding a DPS class helps
40-45 - Eastern Wastes ? cougars/dervishes, then tundra kodiaks/wolves, then mammoths/rhinos/giants, then griffins/manticores 100% Vel Avoid elder snow griffins; hard to solo without CC because of adds; a duo (extra eyes to watch for adds) helps; Coldain will assist on giants; rhinos and griffins are the fastest mobs here
40-45 40-45 Eastern Wastes Orc fort Ry'Gorr Orcs 100% Vel Stay away from the walls of the inner buildings to avoid aggroing mobs inside.
40-45 - Butcherblock Mountains 1206, 2644 Map Icon.png Happ Findlefinn 100% Cla
Npc happ findlefinn.png
Gnome mage who is all alone and has no faction
40-45 40-45 Lower Guk #13 and hallways to #17 Ghoul Ritualist and Zols/Dars 107% Cla
40-45 - Rathe Mountains ? Troll Guards 100% Cla High resists help avoid dot damage; beware the shadow knight's harm touch
40-46 - Dreadlands Northwest Yeti caves Yeti (8 static, 2 roamers) 100% Kun Good for ENC/SHM. Spawn time raised to 16 minutes in 11-19-22 patch. Couple more yetis roam outside close by as well.
- 40-48 Permafrost ? Ice Giants 120% Cla
Npc an ice giant.png
40-48 40-48 Oggok ? Ogre Guards (Bouncers) 133% Cla Good for ROG. There are both static and roaming bouncers all over the city, and they drop lots of Fine Steel (good plat if you can sell to nearby vendors). At 48 most will be green.
41-43 - City of Mist Entrance Assorted 113% Kun Golem levels: Fog > Mist > Vapor > Haze
41-45 41-45 Firiona Vie Outside settlement Drolvargs 100% Kun Safest pull spot is the cliff face running east of FV
41-51 - Northern Desert of Ro By the Inn Freeport Guards 100% Cla Good for AFK, Evil, NEC. There are three guards total: two by the Inn, and one right before you get to the sand. Can AFK at the Inn, but there is a cougar which paths by (and will attack if you are sitting).
42-50 - Emerald Jungle ? a huge gorilla 100% Kun Good for DRU. Gorillas are animals
42-52 - Feerrott Along the river Bouncer Hurd, Bouncer Flerb 100% Cla Either one is good for melee as an AFK camp. Casters and twinked melee can probably lock down both but you have to keep going back and forth to their spawn points on either side of the river.
42-45 - The Wakening Land just northeast of the Skyshrine entrance, along the wall A tigeraptor , a tigesaurous 100% Vel Tigeraptors in Wakening Land.png Good for RNG. Need Harmony or similar to split, five spawns total, watch out for Rapticor spawns, mobs start turning green at 45
42-46 - Oasis of Marr Middle of lake Spectres 100% Cla
Npc a spectre.png
Good for CLR. Can be soloed as low as 40, but a high level spectre spawn might ruin your day. They drop Rusty Scythes and Scythes which are heavy, but can be easily sold to nearby merchants.
42-46 - Oasis of Marr Lake Deepwater Goblins 100% Cla
Npc a deepwater goblin.png
42-46 - Oasis of Marr Whole zone Sand Giants 100% Cla
Npc a sand giant.png
- 44-45 Temple of Droga Chief room Goblins 100% Kun One-way drop after zone-in so melees need to fight (or sneak) to escape the zone. Tons of shamans and harm touching shadow knight mobs.
42-48 42-48 Ocean of Tears Spectre Island (#7) Spectres ? Cla
Npc a spectre.png
You'll need to be able to split two spectres.
42-50 - Emerald Jungle Any zone wall Apes, raptors, tigers, and leaches 100% Kun Good for ENC.
42-51 - Everfrost Ice giant castle near Permafrost Ice giants 100% Cla
Npc an ice giant.png
Ice giants drop a lot of coin, and are on a 7 minute timer
43-52 - Lake of Ill Omen Bottom of lake Bloodgill Goblins 87% Kun
Npc a bloodgill goblin.png
Good for ROG, SHD. Some form of Enduring Breath is required; goblins have relatively low HP but come in groups of 2
44-48 42-46 City of Mist Stables Assorted 113% Kun
Npc a haze golem.png
Golem levels: Fog > Mist > Vapor > Haze
44-49 40-48 Eastern Wastes Mercenary Ruins an ogre mercenary, a wooly rhino, A Kromrif Prison Guard 113% Vel
Good for ENC/BRD/DRU. A way to split 3 mobs is highly recommended. The roaming Ulthork and walruses social with each other, but the rhinos are passive and don't social with anything. Alliance or training on Snowfang Gnolls before coming here so you're not KoS to the Ulthork is recommended. a kromrif prison guard make for excellent charmed pets. The surrounding orcs won't social with them, so simply lulling one and pulling the other away a bit > rooting it will work for setting up a charm. Another hitch is Warden Bruke has a chance of spawning instead of A Kromrif Prison Guard. Warden Bruke is higher level, has high MR, and will spawn three guards upon engagement.
44-49 40-45 Eastern Wastes #4, Frost Giant Fort Frost Giants 100% Vel
Npc a frost giant.png
Good for DRU/WIZ. Druids will find the Luminescent Staff handy here; see this guide for further details on this spot
44-52 - Grobb Entrance Basher Sutok, Basher Razbaz, etc. ? Cla
Npc basher sutok.png
Good for ENC,MAG,SHM, good characters. Bashers have a 24min respawn, drop 12-13 plat in items, and lower DaBashers faction. Avoid Basher Nanrum (he is harder than his level indicates). See Hunting in Grobb for more details.
42-48 - Erudin Library 2nd Floor Tomekeeper Danl Cla
Npc tomekeeper danl.png
Good for WAR. Easy AFK experience, no faction hit, no loot.

Hunting Spots 45-49

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
45-49 - Dreadlands Ancient Combine Outpost (Lost Valley #3) Skeletons (Undead) 110% Kun Good for MNK/PAL/SHD/WAR. Skeletons can be single pulled and don't flee. Their level range is pretty wide: some are weak, some are very strong.
45-50 43-49 City of Mist Temple Assorted 113% Kun Good for SHD. Ghost mobs proc lifetaps
45-50 - Butcherblock Mountains Docks Two Dwarves on docks and two in huts (only civilians, avoid guards) 133% Cla Npc glorin binfurr.png Good for DRU/WIZ. Dwarves can be quad-kited; lowers Kaladim Citizens. The two male dwarves standing next to the hanging fish are on standard Kaladim factions, not Citizens.
45-50 - Feerrott Near Plane of Fear zone line in the southwest A Spectre (Undead) 133% Cla Spawns every 6 mins
45-50 - Feerrott -2370, 2604 Map Icon.png (near the portal) Cyndreela 133% Cla Easy to kill if you nuke her before she buffs (see this thread for further info)
45-50 - East Freeport ? Freeport Guards 133% Cla Good for evil characters. Lowers Coalition of Tradefolk Underground and Freeport Militia faction
45-50 - West Freeport ? Freeport Guards 133% Cla Good for evil characters. Good med/fear kiting spot in the open area in front of Hogcaller Inn. Torlig Mudel is a vendor in-zone who appears to be indifferent to evil (tested with an Iksar SK). Lowers Coalition of Tradefolk Underground and Freeport Militia faction
40-46 - Lake Rathetear #15 on map Taia Lyfol 133% Cla Good for NEC,MAG,DRU. At 2672, -759 Map Icon.png you can find Taia Lyfol the 37 Paladin. She is on a 6 minute 40 second respawn timer (AFK XP spot). Will do paladin things like LoH if you don't fear or stay far away. Resists can be annoying at level 40, but get much better at 41+. The ogre camp near Rathe Mountains zone line sell food/water. The nearby 37 rogue Kanthurn used to be better but was buffed to ~4000 health in 11-19-22 patch.
44-48 Lake Rathetear area #6 on the map Punga, Trug, and Grud 133% Cla Good for MAG, perhaps more. Shamans all - Trug and Grud make pets. These mobs have *do* have faction and *do* assist. A 44 mage can easily keep all 3 down. Land shock of swords at approximately half health to ensure they don't heal and proceed straight to running.
45-50 45-50 Lower Guk Dead side ? 115% Cla Frogs drop fine steel weapons plus rare loot (eg. Flowing Black Silk Sash)
45-50 45-50 Lower Guk Live side, Noble Room (location 9) ? 115% Cla Noble drops
White Gold Necklace
White Gold Necklace
Item 752.png

Slot: NECK
CHA: +5
WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

, "safe" hall nearby
- 45-50 Nagafen's Lair BNB (Bats and Bugs), Efreeti ? 115% Cla
45-50 - Rivervale Near Misty Thicket zone line Halfling guards 133% Cla Good for evil characters. To avoid nukers and GM-level NPCs stay away from Kithicor Forest zoneline; lowers Guardians of the Vale, Mayor Gubbin, Merchants of Rivervale, and Storm Reapers faction
45-50 - The Wakening Land area (south)east of Skyshrine entrance Panthers/haze panthers, tigeraptors 110% Vel Good for RNG. Can quad, need see invisibility to see the haze panthers and invisibility to avoid mercenaries/holgresh (often casters) while pulling
45-50 - The Wakening Land unicorn valley Unicorns 110% Vel Don't pull Lady Gelestial (higher level named), killing black unicorns raises white unicorn/Gelestial faction and killing white raises black/Lithiniath faction, black are higher level shadow knights who cast fear; avoid the corrupted unicorn in this area
45-52 - Felwithe ? High Elf Guards 133% Cla Good for NEC, SHD, evil characters. GREAT money (swords sell for 20p), but lowers Felwithe factions. Some guards are Paladins and can Lay on Hands, and if you're a pet class having a pet out will make them cast more: no pet = no stuns/lay on hands. You can bank through the wall even after lowering faction, and to sell you can drop transfer swords to a level 1 enchanter alt.
45-52 - Wakening Lands in the geonid tunnel directly west of dragon ring (#7), approximately -2800, -1100 Map Icon.png A Faerie Dragon lvl 38 to 42 110% Vel
Npc a faerie dragon.png
Good for SHM. One room has a 3 spawn spot to the right as you enter the cave. One mob can be single pulled the other two need to be broken. There is a fourth down the hall way from the tunnel entrance. Great for Shaman JBB killing. Drops Velious armor gems but lowers Tunarean Court faction
45-50 41-50 The Hole Entrance Elementals (Summoned) 171% Hol Lvl 39-40 and do not single pull. Named are level 50. See Wedar's Guide to The Hole for further information about The Hole
46 - Stonebrunt Mountains In the mountains Giant Panda 100% Vel Good for RNG. Pandas are fairly easy to kill (especially if fear-kited), but be careful about picking up nearby adds.
46-51 - The Wakening Land are near Kael giants 100% Vel lowers giant faction, raises dwarf/dragon faction; nameds drop various quest pieces
46-52 - Cobalt Scar ? Wyverns and cobalt drakes 100% Vel Good for BRD/DRU/WIZ. Often crowded; wyverns can be quad-kited, drakes root/rot-ed; drakes cast AE dispel for 600dmg every 24 seconds; avoid the two nameds that pop if you can (Yvolcarn and Azureake)
46-51 44-50 City of Mist Arena Assorted 125% Kun Goos have above-average MR
47-53 45-51 City of Mist Moat Assorted, eg. a Haze Golem 125% Kun Good for CLR/ENC/SHM.
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33-40 - Great Divide Shardwurm caves an elder shardwurm, an ancient shardwurm, etc. 110% Vel
48-54 - Kaladim Inside entrance Dwarf guards (10-12 per cycle) 133% Cla Guards drop 11p each; bind at Druid rings in Butcherblock Mountains and gate back to sell; lowers Dwarf faction.
49-51 - Ocean of Tears Seafury Island Seafury Cyclops 133% Cla Npc a seafury cyclops.png No longer drop big plat
48-51 - Trakanon's Teeth Pained Soul Camp Map Icon.png Spectral keepers and Spectral Champions(Undead) 110% Kun
Npc pained soul.png
Good for CLR, NEC, SHD. 6m 40s respawn, with the most common being a Spectral keeper (Wizard that will nuke the heck out of you; stun them if you can). Rarely a Spectral Champion (Warrior with lots of HP) will spawn, and then extremely rarely a Pained Soul will spawn. This NPC drops a critical piece for the Rune of Scale (Key to Veeshan's Peak) quest, which can be sold as a multi-quest to other players for several thousand plat. If the camp is taken (it often is) the next spot on the list is close by.
47-50 45-50 Trakanon's Teeth Forest outside Sebilis. Spectral keepers (Undead) 110% Kun
Npc spectral keeper.png
Good for CLR/NEC/MAG. The forest and exterior of the ruins contain Spectral keepers: Wizards that nuke the heck out of you (keep them stunned if you can; an air pet is sufficient). There are also a few other Spectrals, eg. Spectral partisan.

Pull to the forest wall (opposite Sebilis ruins) to avoid adds. You can rest along the wall, and a confirmed AFK safe spot is the small hill behind the Iksar Treasure Hunter camp -1700, -5200 Map Icon.png.
47-50 47-50 Trakanon's Teeth Graveyard, in front of Emperor Ganak's mausoleum Map Icon.png Spectral keepers (Undead) 110% Kun
Npc spectral keeper.png
Good for CLR/NEC/MAG. The graveyard is full of just Spectral keepers (Wizards that nuke the heck out of you; keep them stunned if you can; an air pet is sufficient). The only exception is a single froglok vis knight, who wanders through the West end of the graveyard. At 51 the majority of keepers are light blue, but there are enough blues left that you can still get XP. By 54, the number of blues drops to a slim fraction, and the camp is best abandoned after obtaining 54.

An ideal pull spot (and also an AFK safe spot) is the area near the wall, at the East end of the graveyard just past the line of Iksar statues Map Icon.png. The equivalent area on the West is not safe, unless you move back from the graveyard and stay against the wall.
49-55 - High Keep ? Isabella Cellus, bards and nobles 150% Cla Good for BRD, ENC, SHD, evil characters. Lowers Coalition of Tradefolk, Coalition of Tradefolk Underground, Knights of Truth, and Merchants of Qeynos
49-56 49-56 Permafrost ? Spiders 225% Cla Many LOS problems from invisible pixels in the giant caves, and the giants are belly casters.

Hunting Spots 50-54

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
50-52 - Burning Woods Haunted Ruins skel, gorillas 100% Kun Good for CLR/NEC.
50-53 - Plane of Mischief Forest Mushrooms 100%? Vel Good for SHD.
50-54 50-54 The Hole Entrance/Drop Down( pulling castle and rat jail) Elementals 133% Hol Good for SHD. Start at the entrance (and stay there if soloing as a Shadow Knight). Strong groups can drop down to the castle entrance but know that everyone will need a way out (Gate/OT hammer etc) as the crawl out of castle can beyond the abilities of a low 50's group without the correct composition.
50-59 50-59 Neriak Foreign Quarter Arena Ogres and Trolls 133% Cla Neriak Arena where to fight.png Good for SHM with Epic. See Neriak Arena (Hunting Spot) for more info
51-55 - Neriak Commons Guard towers near Priest of Discord (near Foreign Quarter zoneline) Dark Elf Guards (eg. Guard K`Jartan) 133% Cla
Npc guard k`jartan.png
Good for ENC. Pacify is required here to separate the guard spawns, as they are close together; guards always drop Small Round Shield, and sometimes (50%?) drop fine steel (eg. Fine Steel Short Sword)
- 50-59 Kael Drakkel Arena and other armor drop areas Frost Giants 113% Vel Group should average level of 55+; chance of Velious Dwarf armor drops
50-60 45-60 Wakening Lands in the geonid tunnel directly west of dragon ring (#8) A Geonid A Geonid Shaman 100% Vel
Npc a geonid.png
Good for BRD/ENC/NEC/SHD/SHM. These give exp even at level 60. The real danger of this camp is the geonid shamans. Also when low life they flee potentially causing adds. Geonids in general have high resists compared to the average mob.
51-59 - Wakening Lands ? A Suit of Sentient Armor 100% Vel
Npc a suit of sentient armor.png
Good for BRD/DRU/SHM/WIZ. Drops Velious armor gems and Sentient Armor; there are two Player-Defined Camps: "4s" and "6s", which refer to the groupings of 4/6 suits
51-54 - Nagafen's Lair Near Sol A Zoneline Sonic bats 100% Cla
51-54 51-54 Dreadlands 3x Skeletons on Wall Greater Plaguebone, Plaguebone Skeleton, Greater Scalebone, Rotting skeleton 100% Kun
Npc greater plague skeleton.png
Good for MAG, SHD. One of these skeletons can be pulled single, while the other two come together (but can be split once camp is broken). Mix of blues/light blues at 54, with an extremely small chance of the Rotting skeleton, who drops a piece of the Key to Veeshan's Peak. Respawn time is 6:30
51-59 49 - 59 Nagafen's Lair Near Sol A Zoneline Lava duct crawlers 100% Cla
Npc lava duct crawler.png
Good for MAG,SHM. Good for Shaman/Monk duo and other combinations. Procs Boiling Blood during combat which blocks regen spells from being applied. It's possible to level to 60 from these but after 55-56 it becomes pretty slow exp. See also Kurrat's Lava Duct Crawler Guide for Magicians.
51-56 51-56 Timorous Deep Raptor Island Raptors 100% Kun
Npc a raptor.png
Good for DRU, WIZ, MAG. Can't bind in zone. Raptors run VERY fast (but slower than JBoots) and have a HUGE aggro/assist range. Pegasus Feather Cloak is recommended, as keeping levitate up at all times makes it possible to run.
Druids/Wizards can quad kite the raptors. A single 51 Mage Earth pet (with Shield of Lava on it) can usually kill one raptor, though sometimes an extra nuke is needed.
51-56 49-54 City of Mist 2nd Floor Assorted, eg. Haze Golems 113% Kun Good for ENC/SHM.
51-56 - Burning Woods Giant Fort A Forest Giant Verdant, A Forest Giant Ancient, etc. 100% Kun Giants can drop Giant Foreman's Tunic, Giant Lord's Tunic, Forest Loop, and weapons that vendor for 10-45 plat
51-56 - Burning Woods 4000, 1750 Map Icon.png, near Skyfire zoneline A Sarnak Zealot, A Forest Giant Ancient, etc. 100% Kun If giant fort is taken you can pull from the "field" just south of this hunting spot. The field has various mobs (largely sarnaks) pathing through it, so sometimes its barren and other times its busy. If you bring your pull back towards the valley on the way to Skyfire you can avoid adds (and run to zone if needed).
51-56 - Howling Stones Entrance ? 113% Kun Charasis Entry Platform.jpg Good for SHM.
51-57 - Greater Faydark Kelethin (Outside Rogue's Guild) Kelethin Guards 133% Cla Good for MAGE, SHD, evil characters. Lowers wood elf faction; guards drop fine steel weapons; quad-able (tips here); outside rogue's guild is a good spot to pull singles
52-55 - Wakening Lands Easy 4x Goo Cave Map Icon.png or Harder Cave; more Goos Map Icon.png 4x A Tar Goo 100% Vel Npc a tar goo.png Good for BRD/MAG/SHD/SHM. Decent (but not great) loot of non-Velious gems. The easy/4-goo cave spaces the goos apart, so no Harmony is needed, but the southern cave has goos next to each other, so you'll need it (or another way to deal with 2+ at once). Because the goos are KOS to the adjacent geonids, if you haven't ruined your faction you can run to them for help.
52-53 - Kedge Keep ? a spinereef seahorse, a squallsurge seahorse 217% Cla Good for DRU. Good for animal charming. Start in the far back, right-most room. Charm the seahorse there, then wait for the pather to enter the room and use the two to kill each other, then repeat on other rooms, using Calm Animal to split three-seahorse room; always try and stay in a corner and gate out or Leatherfoot Raider Skullcap out at the first sign of trouble
52-58(59) - Great Divide Along east wall, south of fort, eg. -4200, -3000 Map Icon.png a frost giant elite, Gorul Longshanks 100% Vel
Npc a frost giant elite.png
Good for MAG, SHM, WIZ. Being Velious, these giants have more HP than (say) Forest Giants in Burning Woods (Kunark), and so are slower XP. However, they do still give some XP, and also give both Claws of Veeshan and Coldain faction.

Start along east wall (either by the boulder south of fort, or even further south). Park pet (if any), then run West to find Frost Giant Elites. Bring them back to wall to avoid adds. At 59 some elites turn light blue, but many remain blue.
52-59 - Plane of Mischief ? Rats in rat maze 100%? Vel Good for DRU,ENC,SHD. Good for animal charming. The rats in the maze aren't charmable, but you can charm a skunk above and bring it down. Chance of both squires and knights; you will get lost at some point; closest entrance is between McStinkles and McSprayel, by the door they 'guard'. McStinkles does not summon, McSprayel does. Should not go before level 52 due to agro issues getting cothed to the PoM cubby. Learn the pathing mobs in your fight area before you start pulling.
52-59 - Karnor's Castle Entrance/Moat Various, eg. Skeletal guardian 113% Kun Good for WAR. Nearby LFG casters may buff/heal
53-59 55-59 Howling Stones Basement ? 113% Kun Charasis Basement.png Good for ENC/NEC/SHM/SHD. See Charasis Basement for more info
53-59 - Sebilis Entrance ? 113% Kun Good for SHM. Requires key; unlike other dungeon entrances, there's no immediate exit so you might want to bind outside
53-55 - Everfrost Passage to plains Barbarian guards 133% Cla Good for BRD/NEC/SHM, evil characters. 3 static spawns; lowers Merchants of Halas, Shamen of Justice, Steel Warriors, and Wolves of the North
53-? - Neriak Third Gate Temple of Innoruuk (#1) Dark Elf Cleric Guards 133% Cla
Npc jabon t`kix.png
Cast complete heal, need to be able to interrupt. Respawn time is 6m40s and guards drop fine steel.
54-56 51-55 Frontier Mountains End of tunnel inside giant fort Eldak Howlingbear and Mentrax Mountainbone 100% Vel Good for BRD, SHD. These mobs are indifferent to all, have a 6 min respawn, drop no loot, and can be feared
- 54-58 Karnor's Castle Left Courtyard ("LCY"), in front of #9 ? 113% Kun
54-59 52-59 Chardok Betrayer Camp ? 113% Kun Has several nice drops, including pipe for Monk epic;
50+ 50+ Western Wastes Eastern zone wall Shardwing Courier ? Vel Good for ROG. This is not a place to camp, so much as something to keep in mind and take advantage of when in the area. The Shardwing Courier's quest turnin is worth approximately 1.5% of level 59 for a Human Rogue, and can be turned in with hide+sneak or good Kromzek/Tormax faction. It also gives an item that may sell for a few hundred plat. If you are in Western Wastes anyway (perhaps for scout roll or going to/from ToV), he is well worth killing if he is up and you can do the turn-in. He is class/gear dependent (a 59 Rogue was able to solo it with poison and minor raid gear).

Hunting Spots 55-59

Solo Level Range Group Level Range Zone Area Monsters Exp Mod* Era Image Notes (on Class/Faction/Drops/Quests/etc.)
55-? - Swamp of No Hope 1404, -1362 Map Icon.png Grik the Exile 111% Cla
Npc grik the exiled.png
Good for MAG. 6 minute respawn, non-caster, drops a Long Sword (11p) every time
55-? - South Qeynos 304, -445 Map Icon.png Bank Guards: Dun and Eracon Krengon 133% Cla Npc dun.png Npc eracon krengon.png Good for DRU, Evil Characters. Lowers Qeynos Bankers Faction, drops Fine Steel Two Handed Sword (6p) every time, flees at 20%
55-59 - Kedge Keep ? 217% Cla Enduring Breath required; 2 Piranha and Golden haired mermaid respawn every 22 min
55-59 - Chardok Entrance/Betrayer/Waterfall ? 113% Kun The entrance to Chardok is not its exit, so be careful as there's a slight run if you need to zone
55-59 - Chardok Exit ? 113% Kun Good for DRU. Druids can charm the Sarnak dogs, watch out for trains, Enchanters/Clerics for C2/Resurrection are not uncommon
55-60 The Hole Undead Crypt Undead 200% Hol
Npc a fallen erudite.jpg
Good for CLR. See The Hole Undead Crypt for further details.
55-59 55-59 The Hole Drop Down( pulling castle and rat jail)/Docks(all of the town)/Undead Tower Elementals 200% Hol In the upper 50's the castle will start to green out, but it is still good xp. Stronger groups can move down to old Erudin. The docks is the most popular camp to pull the town, but the town entrance is also a good place to set up. Extremely strong groups can move down to the undead tower but please note that crowd control is difficult requiring an enchanter to often rely on dictate. Ghosts will flee at low health.
55-59 - The Hole Yael Pit Elementals, Rat, Rock Golems 200% Hol Good for SHM/DRU/NEC. Good for root rot on the Elementals and Rat spawns. Elementals sometimes spawn as Harvester (Cleric) which won't heal if nothing is in melee range or Wizards; both of these have nasty nukes, so buff up your resists or park them somewhere that you can line of sight their casting. Rock Golems can summon depending on level, only fight them if you can melee and survive (SHM with slow). 4 mobs in pit, more mobs up the ramp through the rock door. Watch out for Nortlav the Scalekeeper who is not KOS, but will social aggro Hole mobs. Watch out for Master Yael spawn timer so he doesn't kill you while grinding.
55-59 - Skyfire Near temple at south end, along west wall ? 107% Kun Stay well up on the wall to avoid aggro from mobs pathing by. Be wary of aoe dispel spamming chromodracs. Elder mobs (and some others) will summon.
55-59 - Kael Drakkel ? dire wolves 113% Vel Good for DRU. Extremely dangerous (harder than bear pits: wolves will instagib you if you make the slightest mistake); wolves are animal-charm-able with Call of Karana, but only the ones that hit for a max of 242 or less
55-59 - Western Wastes ? Animals 107% Vel Good for DRU/ENC. Good for charm-kiting. Animals share spawns with dragons, so good CoV faction is helpful. Avoid Esorpa of the Ring who is on Ring of Scale faction, and beware of An ice burrower. Worms are extremely magic resistant and require epic click with glamour to successfully ensnare (even then it may take many casts).
- 55-59 Plane of Mischief Rate Maze Ratmen 140% Vel Good for DRU/ENC/MNK. Can charm McStinkles (others too, but Stink is the only animal that doesn't summon) and bring him down. Monk can solo at 58/59 depending on gear. Get to know the pathing rats or you're gonna have a bad time with adds.
- 55-59 Plane of Mischief Hedge Maze ? 140% Vel Harmony is necessary; if you find the sphinx at the center DO NOT tell it "No" or it will kill you; hedge wizards are the hardest. <~ Bad tip. Even with a liberal application of Harmony you will get a million adds.
- 55-59 Plane of Mischief ? audience at puppet show, Chuckles the Great 140% Vel (Extremely rare) chance of squires or knights; mobs single agro and summon, so bring a pet or a slower.
56-59 - Kedge Keep #9 ? 217% Cla Good for DRU. Good for animal charming (fish, sharks, seahorses are charmable), Enduring Breath required, worn effect strongly encouraged. Remember your junk buffs as dang near everything dispels. Keep a dispel memorized because dang near everything has druid/ranger damage shields.
56-59 - Karnor's Castle Moat (#3) ? 113% Kun
56-59 - Karnor's Castle Warlord Room (#8) ? 113% Kun
56-59 - Great Divide ? Coldain Expedition Guards 100% Vel Good for MAG/NEC. Lowers Coldain faction, good for pet classes, but can be tough if under-geared
56-59 - Kael Drakkal Arena (#3) Frost Giants 113% Vel Lowers Frost Giant faction, lower level-wise slowers may have difficulty landing slow; arena is behind two guards who See Invisible; XP is decent and there's a chance to get armor drops
56-59 55-59 Permafrost Polar bear pits Giant Polar Bears 225% Cla Polar bear pit.jpg Good for DRU/RNG/SHM.
56-59 55-59 Nagafen's Lair Efreeti Room (#4) Imp Protectors, Lava Guardians, etc. 100% Cla Nagafen's Lair Stepping Stones.jpg Good for SHM. Further Details
57-59 57-59 Lower Guk between Magi and Ghoul Lord ? 100% Cla Good for PAL/SHD.
57-59 Velketor's Labyrinth Entrance ? 113% Vel Good for SHD.
57-59 - Siren's Grotto Arena (#3) Manatee and Walrus servants 113% Vel Good for DRU. Good for charm-kiting; egress/succor to the other side from CS and work your way in; only do the enthralled stuff, swordfish, and possibly coldspine seahorses; good chance of drops
57?-59 - Southern Felwithe (375, -846) Map Icon.png Farios Elianos 150% Cla Npc farios elianos.png Good for MAG/NEC, Evil Characters. Lowers Keepers of the Art and King Tearis Thex factions
- 58-59 Siren's Grotto ? ? 113% Vel Bring either a cleric or a torpor shaman for heals, enchanter/bard (enc preferred) for CC, monk for pulls, and tank. If you are missing one of those, don't do it.
58-59 56-59 Howling Stones North ? 113% Kun Good for BRD, SHD. Lowers Venril Sathir (Faction), requires Key to Charasis and Tallow-marked Candle (dropped by bottomless mobs)
58-59 57-59 Howling Stones West ? 113% Kun Lowers Venril Sathir (Faction), requires Key to Charasis
59 58-59 Howling Stones South ? 113% Kun Lowers Venril Sathir (Faction), requires Key to Charasis

* All experience bonuses are per the Recommended Levels and ZEM List, except that they've been converted in to percentages (with 75 ZEM = 100% of normal XP bonus). These ZEMs are known to be out of date and inaccurate, but no better information exists.


Hunting spots listed here have been shamelessly taken from other guides, forum posts, and even other sites. The goal was to create the best possible hunting guide, in part by consolidating existing guides, for everyone's benefit. If you are curious about the individual contributors to this guide you can use the "history" tab at the top of the page.